Vortex Razor 10x42


Jan 14, 2008
I went to the local Sportsman Warehouse to look at a few binos in the $300+ range. Looking for something lighter then my Leupold GoldRing HDs that are about 35 oz. They are noticeably there on your chest after a few miles so I tend to not carry them.

The store didn't have the Viper but had the Viper HD for about $600. I wasn't prepared to spend that kind of $ today but they were nice and I did look at others. I asked to "just look" though a pair of Razor 10x42 and yes I could see a difference. Not huge but there none the less. My wife said to just buy the good ones and (I can't believe I did this) but the discussion began with me saying I'm not spending that kind of $$ on glass. She argued back with her own thoughts and we walked around the store a while and I thought ... wait what am I arguing for just go buy them. She "WON" and I carried a set of Vortex Razor 10x42 out the door. Weight is 24 oz so the glass is lighter by 10+ oz.

I did compare it against the Goldring HDs and the Razor is a bit nicer. But now you get into the age old question on glass. Is the next 10% better worth the 2x $ or what ever it might be.

I'll get over it ... Now at dusk I'm looking though all the glass I have and ... yea they are the nicer set of binos.
It always makes a big difference in the field to have good binoculars. I have been using 10x42 glass for many years and it works for me! I hope they work for you as well.
I bought a set of 10x42 razor HD's too . so far I'm very pleased with them . they seem to be pretty good in low light conditions . A friend is going to lend me his swaro EL 10x42's . I'll be able to give the razor's and EL's a side by side look .

Spending that money only hurts for a moment but the satisfaction you get lasts for years. When you think of it time spent afield is "yours" to spend as you see fit. Pun intended..............

Good glass does not get worn out over time and those binos will serve you as long as you wish. Once you see something in the shadows in the last minute of legal shooting time or able to distinguish an antler against brush at over a mile you'll know that you did the right thing.

You'll also get a kick out of seeing what your hunting buddy's can't. I'm happy you got them.
I've had the swaro EL's for three evenings now . it has not been the best time to try these out as the sky has been clear and the moon about full . last night was cloudy though . on the nice clear moonlit nights I could watch the deer in my field as late as I wanted too . I could not run either bino out of light . sunset being around 8:05 I was still watching the deer at 9:30 , 10:30 , 11:30 it didn't matter if they were on the edge of the field or in the middle , there was too much light . last night was cloudy . I was still able to watch these deer , and tell bucks from does from yearlings until way past sunset with either set of binos . certain times one bino would seem better than the other , I'd hurry up and trade binos and then the other one seemed just the same . the swaro's are a little longer ,and seem a little heavier than the razor's . after using them side by side , I'm glad I bought the razors . I really think it would take a trained eye to tell the difference between these two bino's . I sure can't call one the better set , they test even to me . as a side note I was also playing with my old Leupold roof prism 10x50's . I knew these were not in the same league as the other bino's , but thought it would be fun to play with these too . well testing these side by side just confirmed that thought . the conclusion here is , the leupys are decent bino's , just don't try using them in very low light conditions. the clarity on the Leupys were failing about the time the testing was getting serious with the EL's and razors . keep in mind though the Leupolds price was I'm guessing $200 - $250 when new 8 or 10 years ago . so I really did not expect them to compete well with $2500 EL's , or $1200 razors .

my only complaint on my razors is the rubber ring on the one screw up eye piece has pulled loose a few times while taking off the lens cover . I'll need to be careful of this or I'll loose it . the next time it pulls out of it's groove I'll put a dab of glue on it .
Thanks for your review. Feeling better about the purchase.
I have a set of Zeiss 10x40 T*P* Classics that I have had for about 7 years now and they are more then adequate for what I need them for. Thay have made me a believer in having a good set of binoculars. I am sure that from the testing that you guys have done and written about comparatively testing them against Swarovski, that the Vortex Razor's will serve any need for binoculars that you will ever own.