In to the setting sun


Jan 14, 2008
At sunset the other evening I looked to my son and said -"perfect time to check some scopes".
I grabbed rifle with a Zeiss V6, one with a V4, one with a Z5 Swaro and another with a Vortex Viper HSLR.
The sun was setting behind the hill side and washed out everything in the field underneath it. The V6 filtered perfectly and you could shoot anywhere. The V4 was also great. My son's younger eyes could see a small difference. The Swaro was great also - of course. The Vortex did wash out trying to look into the field. Outside of that situation I like the Vortex Viper. Next time I want to grab a Vortex Razor LHT and see. I also have some Leopold V3 to try.
In the mountains out west here that shot is a definite possibility. One time the Vortex got me like that so when I carried them I made sure to have the sun army back.
Thanks t the review. That's good G2 to have.
