Looking for a good set of Binoculars


Mar 10, 2010
I’m looking for a good set of binos, I’ve love something like the Swaro SLC, or some like that quality give a take a little. I might be able to spend up to $1200.
My current set is needing some eyecup work just in time for hunting season
I use the Vortex Viper HD 12x 50, its clear and crisp. It's around the 700 -800 dollar range. You won't go wrong with the 15 x 50, its a little too much magnification for me, so it settled with the 12 x 50.
I’ve been buying a new set of Leupold binoculars every 10 years or so for as long as I remember.. They have gotten pretty Dano good. I bout a pair of swarm’s last year for my trip to Africa. I should have done so a decade a go.
If you can find a used set of SLCs (10x42) in good shape, they will be within your budget and a great option.
I find them to be more rugged and reliable than the El's, without the eye cup issues. Mine are over 20 years old and still going strong.

Use them mostly for archery now (and as back up) as I am not able to use a rangefinding binocular for competition use. I am using my Leica Geovid 10 x 42 for hunting now, as they have the built in RF...otherwise I would still be using my SLCs. Would have bought the Swaro w/ RF, but I got the Geovids on sale for considerably less (over $1500 less!)

Another good option would be a set of Kahles Helia 10 x 42.
I have Meopta 10x42. Excellent glass and quite a bit less than Swarovski. Mine are about 15yrs old.

Maven optics out of Lander, Wy have some great glass and well worth the money.
Lifetime warranty also
If their binos are anything like their scope glass, it will be excellent. The scopes are impressive.

I’m looking for a good set of binos, I’ve love something like the Swaro SLC, or some like that quality give a take a little. I might be able to spend up to $1200.
My current set is needing some eyecup work just in time for hunting season
go on ebay and find a pair of used Vortex. Don't be swayed away by used, people are picky and get rid of things for goofy reasons. I had conversations with a couple of the techs... warranty is beyond belief.
Just ordered a set of Kowa Genesis 10.5x44 from Cameraland. Those guys will take good care of you