Marlin Monday!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
My son and I often shoot together on Mondays. A "Monday Gunday" thing. Today he picked me up and I brought two Marlin rimfires with me to the gun club.

The scoped rifle is the first rifle I ever shot, about 1961 or so. Dad finally put a little 2.5x Leupold on it out of deference to his aging eyes. It's mine now, and I surely do cherish that little 39M. The other is my 39A which I bought quite a while ago. Not too long ago I set it up with a Skinner rear sight which works just dandy. We thoroughly enjoyed our range session.




Regards, Guy
Excellent pictures, Guy. I'm envious. Your posting reminds me of one of my first experiences with the 39A. The Marlin 39A can be amazingly accurate. One of the most accurate rimfires I ever worked with for a client was a model 39A. The stock was weathered and the bluing was almost all gone, but my goodness did that little rifle shoot. It produced at 25 yards a consistent series of .25 or smaller groups with a variety of ammunitions. The owner wasn't interested in selling, even though I was prepared to pay a premium.
Growing up, my dad had a 39M and a 39A. My oldest sister has the 39M (I'm jealous) and I have the 39A. I'll post pictures of the little beauty when I get home. I took it to the range this past weekend and at 100 yards it was shooting 2" groups with bulk ammo. Not too shabby.
Mine was given to my dad from his dad when he was very young. He put a Weaver K3 that my great grandpa used to have on his sporterized 30-06 springfield. Serves as an heirloom of my family’s history.
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Love it Guy and I had to Laugh as the sling is the same as I have on my 39A. A sling that came with my Model 700 BDL 6mm Rem in the 1970’s. TC
Boy - a little jealous of the rifles. Envious of the time spent with your son. Musta done somthing right there Dad. CL