Recent content by FairFrank

  1. F

    Back to the old job

    Hello, stumbled upon this topic by chance. As for me, I gambled a lot before, there are a lot of profitable opportunities. I earned about a few years thx to that. Happy for you! Only with time do you realize that stability is important, it's easier to plan your life, avoid stress, and feel...
  2. F

    Garmin Xero - Discounts?

    This is a reasonable price, but nothing seems to get cheaper. I would like a more acceptable price, we are waiting for a sale
  3. F

    best place / location for reloading bench - room

    Wow! I'm still waiting then my kids will grow up to free the same place for me :grin: @ReloadKy How it goes? It's a great decision anyway, wish you all the best!