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Hi Brad! Hope all is well. Doing ok down in Midland. Got a retirement package in May so enjoying deceleration! Hunting more, fishing more… lots of home projects that were neglected.

Glad to hear things are well with you. Hard to believe its been near 5 years already for me. Deer season was a bit slow this year saw very few deer after bow season. I did shoot a nice 300 lb + black bear in August Ontario hunt. I need to make more time for range club shooting. My gun room is feeling a bit neglected of late. Lol. Thanks for keeping in touch we need to get together sometime.
I’ve been a member here for probably 20 years and got locked out so I logged back in under a different email address and user name.
HI I JUST GOT MY FIRST 308 WIN for what i been reading here varget perform better with 165 gr up and IMR4895 FOR 147150 AND 155 GR BULLETS CORRECT ME IF I M WRONG PLEASE THANL U ALL.
I've used both powders.I load 45.5grs of Varget with 165 or 168gr bullets.45.0grs of IMR4895 with those same bullet weights.44.5grs of TAC is another one of my favorites.

JD. You seem to have a lot of reloading/shooting experience and I would like to see if you can help me. I have read alot and watched countless videos and there seems to be way too much out there that's conflicting.
Would you be willing help me get some step by step reloading start to finish to find the correct load.
Thanks Jer
What areas are you struggling with?
As for videos, stay away from the YouTube experts, too many yahoos there. Instead, look for ones from RCBS, Hornady etc. Ultimate Reloader is a good channel.
-Focus on the fundamentals of reloading.
-Always cross reference load data with a minimum of 2-3 reloading books.
-Never take Internet load data without cross referencing it to your in loading books.
-Always start low and work up loads.
-If you change any component(s), drop down a bit on the powder charge and work up.
What reloading manuals do you have?

