Recent content by flashhole

  1. F

    Vanilla Ice Cream

    So is a grip of bullets akin to A gaggle of geese A pride of lions A murder of crows A pod of whales
  2. F

    Photobucket test

    How about that, it worked. Bet the ex-CEO is still looking for a job. What a stupid thing to do.
  3. F

    Turret press vs. single stage

    Congratulatins, can you post a picture from the side?
  4. F

    Neck Sizing

    I never tried the bushing neck dies but I think they will work well. I get excellent results using the Lee Collet Neck Die and highly recommend it. I don't particularly like the neck dies that pull the expander ball up through the neck. Seems to defeat the purpose of neck sizing vs...
  5. F

    Toning it down a bit

    Good shooting. As much as I don't like Hornady, multiple bad experiences with their customer service, their 350 grain jacketed bullets are great for the 45-70. There are several good powders. I favor H-4895.
  6. F

    A poll on rifle rests

    Another Bull's Bag fan here, the large one. I have to place it on an elevated rest (block of wood) to get it to the height I want. I use it with a good rear bag. After load development I switch to a bi-pod.
  7. F

    Favorite concentricity (run out) gauge

    But that is the best use for a runout gauge. It points to the build steps that need attention.
  8. F

    Favorite concentricity (run out) gauge

    Forster is my favorite because that's what I have.
  9. F

    Turret press vs. single stage

    "There are only two classes of people posting here: Model 70 owners and those who wish they had bought a Remington" Huh?
  10. F

    Why do you load?

    I don't trust my government and I want to be independent in the event ammo is no longer available. I have a good supply of components and the know-how to use them properly. I also cast bullets for a few of the guns I have and am learning to make black powder if needed.
  11. F

    Turret press vs. single stage

    Make sure you report back when you start using it. Good luck.
  12. F

    OCW load development

    100 yards distance is not long enough. 200 is minimum, 300 is better. During OCW load development I make/use a grid target with grid lines every 2 inches and place a 2" round orange target in the upper 1/3 of the grid. The orange target is the point of aim for every shot. I like the orange...
  13. F

    Odd 25-06, Retumbo results

    How uniform is your brass, especially the neck thickness? Did you weight sort your bullets?
  14. F

    Turret press vs. single stage

    Some of the new Lee presses/systems are worth a serious look.
  15. F

    OCW load development

    What distance? Can you describe your set up? I've done lots of OCW testing with great success. Every little thing matters to get useable results.