I retired a year and a half ago after getting up at 4:15 AM every morning for a long, long time. I thought I'd naturally be up for the sunrise every morning from here on out, but I more naturally awaken anytime between from about 6 to 8 AM. I also thought I'd have to seek out things to keep me...
I bought the RCBS headpace gauge many years ago when I was just getting into centerfire rifle reloading. I learned pressty quick that it did not give me an absolute measurement, but it was good for relative meaurement.
These days I just use my old Stoney Point bullet comparator using an insert...
There's a bit of a learning curve with the Hornady tool, but once you get it set up and get the feel of it you can pull a boatload of bullets in a relatively short period of time. I use mine anytime I have more than a handful of bullets to pull. The kinetic is okay for two or three rounds, but...
This is an old thread, but it's a timely one from my perspective.
I had avoided Kimber 1911s for a long time just because of some reputation problems, but I put a Winchester Super-X 2 up for sale or swap a couple of months ago and a fellow in my locale (that means within 100 miles in this part...
Like the other guys said, forget the belt is even there.
Try a little experiment...instead of screwing your sizing die all the way down so that it contacts your shell holder, raise the ram and adjust the die so that it does not quite touch the shell holder at all---say, by 10 thousandths or so...
Looks to me like someone necked the schidt outa those cases. IOW, they squeezed 'em down too much.
I remember fifteen years ago you couldn't ask for a load suggestion without a chous of "what's yer twist rate?" responses.
These days lots of guys think they know what they're...
Try as you might, you're never going to get real precision out of QuicklOAD.
Many have believed they figured it out, pointing out their success at adjusting the Ba so that the velocity results with a certain combination of components closely tracks with QL predictions. BTDT myself...and I found...
Hey Bruce, PM me your mailing info. I've been trying to peddle some perfectly good Norma .220 brass (100 pieces fired once mostly, some of it twice) and no takers. I'd rather give it to you than keep dumping the price.
I have not tried it in a REALLY wide range of cartridges, but I can say that Re16 has shown me that it can be a kind of "broadband" powder much like the 4895s. I've had outstanding results with it in cartridges ranging from .30-06, .260 Remington, and even the 6mm-284. Now that my rifle...
I am afraid Leupold's ownership just intends to ride the old reputation as far as it will take them and let the brand founder into obscurity. It's a sad thing to see when at one time they were pretty much the gold standard for domestically produced scopes.
Five years ago I had nothing BUT...
That's a good move. When I was much less experienced and knew everything I insisted that a bullet comparator was not necessary for setting seating depth. My reasoning was solid and made sense, but what I was not recognizing is the difficulty of measuring consistently without the use of a...
SOMEWHERE---don't ask me where, I read that the S&W PC 327's barrel is rifled by some new process (I don't recall what it was called, but it was some kind of electrochemical process IIRC) that is suspected of being the root cause of lower velocities in these guns. It does not make a whole lot of...