Recent content by truck driver

  1. truck driver

    What time do you retirees get up?

    I haven't used an alarm clock forever though I do have one beside my bed so I know if I need to get up when I wake up. The internal clock has always gotten me up on time starting back for as long as I can remember. I normally go to bed around 23:00hrs and I'm awake around 0400-0500. Here of late...
  2. truck driver

    Damage Deer Down

    Great story and happy to hear you weren't injured in your hill side slip and slide. It can be very scary at our age when we slip and start sliding down hills out of control. 10 years ago I had a similar experience hunting Elk but there was no snow on the ground. The ground just gave out under...
  3. truck driver

    10mm Auto 180gr powder?

    Didn't know it existed Thanks.
  4. truck driver

    Thank You

    Dan, I hope your feeling better and didn't get blown away by the high winds we are experiencing. Yeah, this is the best forum I have had the pleasure to be associated with the members are fantastic and the Mods keep it clean and pleasant.
  5. truck driver

    Old 20 gauge.

    Me too, we had some great conversations.
  6. truck driver

    Old 20 gauge.

    Beautiful little shot gun. Europe would have said you should have got a Fox. (lol) Always loved those little shot guns and could shoot the heck out of them. I guess the factory stock just fit me right being right-handed. My dad had one but was in 12ga and would lock it up when we would go bird...
  7. truck driver

    Thank You

    Back in December I was gifted a Mec Grabber 76 12ga reloading press, I posted here for information about an operator's manual since the press has been updated by MEC with different parts that my press doesn't have or they look different. and the new` manual is different. NY Dan replied he had...
  8. truck driver

    Remington 742. Optic Choice ?

    Plus 1 on the Burris 1 3/4 X 5, perfect magnification range for a fast-handling carbine style rifle.
  9. truck driver

    Sticking cases in die

    Plus 1, never have had a stuck case since I started using it. Use to use RCBS sizing honey and would stick cases regularly. the only thing I use a spray lubricant for is to lube the inside of the case mouths of .45acp since I use a custom powder funnel that expands the case mouths and super...
  10. truck driver

    Good bye

    I've been here a long time and honestly never knew there as a sub forum and glad I didn't and still don't won't to know. There are lots of forums I visit and when they get crappy, I say my piece and leave them hanging not going back. Some forums have features where you can block or disregard the...
  11. truck driver

    Another chrono hits the market

    When they get more affordable, I would like one but for now I can't justify the cost since all I need to know is the velocity of my ammo.
  12. truck driver

    Heads up Burris sale!!!!

    I bought an E-1 3-9 with the red dot feature, and it is very clear with the red dot being very round, with the dot turned off you have a small black target dot reticule. It's a great scope for low light conditions when you have trouble picking up the cross hairs. I have it mounted on my 35AI.
  13. truck driver

    Smokeless Powder ammo in Black Powder antique revolver?

    I wouldn't shoot modern fast burning powder because it builds pressure fast, even wimpy loads. Should it come unlocked you would get a piece of brass flying out at your face. Ther should be loads for triple 7 or other black powder substitute powder that you could use safely.