Recent content by Wolfshead

  1. Wolfshead

    Pot Pie Hack

    I believe that sound very good! Also pictures will be required!
  2. Wolfshead

    Pot Pie Hack

    Yes actually! We make it quite often this time of year. I actually like it better than pot pie, but to each his own. We make it all in one pot so there’s less clean-up and less steps for prep.
  3. Wolfshead

    Pot Pie Hack

    Try instead of baking your biscuits, with your stew in the pot on a low simmer, drop your biscuit dough into the simmering stew, and cover the pot with the lid. Cook for approximately 20-25 minutes. The biscuits will be much more moist and tender, and you eliminate the step of baking. They also...
  4. Wolfshead

    What time do you retirees get up?

    Retired for almost seven years, and will be 65 this fall. I get up between 4 and 4:30 every morning. This morning it was 3:55. Right after the time change I was getting up at 3-3:30, but have settled a little as my body has gotten used to the change.
  5. Wolfshead

    6.5 creedmoor hunting bullets weight choice

    I agree with Blkram, a lot of people have unrealistic expectations of bullets and how they perform. Maybe they don’t really understand? One thing to remember is that all of the animals you’ve mentioned are hunted quite often with a bow and arrow. Whitetail deer are a curious thing. I shot the...
  6. Wolfshead

    How much .005" seating depth can change patterns

    I had to read this a couple of times to understand it. My comprehension is not good sometimes.😳 This shows pretty distinctly that seating can have an impact on groups. Then you have some who would say not to bother…. That last group, 42.2 looks very nice!
  7. Wolfshead

    130 grain E-Tip

    I’ve been playing with 130 grain ttsx for my .308 Win. I am struggling with getting anything consistent in grouping. One day can be 3/4” groups which I would be more than happy with, the next 1.5” groups. (All at 100 yards) My 150 grain Accubonds shoot 3/4 all day every day. Unfortunately my...
  8. Wolfshead

    Big Game Rifles & Loaded Rounds ?

    I load up approximately 50 at the beginning of hunting season, and then if I don’t use that up it’ll probably get used through out the year, up to sighting in before the next season. And then the process repeats itself….
  9. Wolfshead

    How do you make a 30-30 much more attractive?

    I bought my model 94 from an older gentleman who I believe was in his late 70’s early 80’s. He was selling it for his son. As I was talking with him, he said that the rifle was “a shooter” and that it really liked those “new” Hornady bullets. He told me that those shot really well in this rifle...
  10. Wolfshead


    Please stop making posts like this and giving NewYrokistan more ideas to regulate us!😂 We have enough ARSE checkers here already!😜
  11. Wolfshead

    Painted Stocks

    Very well done! I love to see other people’s work! I’ll add mine but not as nice as the ones here.
  12. Wolfshead

    Crosshair Scope Hold

    I have to agree with others. Only shoot that distance at an animal if you have shot it on the range. I understand the reasoning behind ballistic charts and programs but you never really know until you shoot it and then you are certain.
  13. Wolfshead

    PSA prostrate health.

  14. Wolfshead

    biden’s state department “propaganda” speech

    After four long years we have a President once again! God bless America!