Ok so here is another load I had loaded the same day just a lighter load. 62.8 gr rl 26
Same seating depth and my chrono read 5 shot average of 3195fps
So 62 gr would drop it around 3150 fps if I'm thinkin right
Same measurement . I'm not sure how much water to put in it. Do I want just a small bit above the top of case or a big rounded water ball above it
I have a picture of the water in the case but don't know how to post pictures. I can text it to someone
Well all thank you for your help. Just be straight up with me its all good. I'm glad that I have a place to go and get help.
As you guys see it where would you be with my powder and bullet combo fora load?
if im over charged wouldn't I have a smiley face on my brass or a shinny spot? Bolt lift is smooth and not sticky.
Also does elevation have anything to do with it? Im at 7600 ft to 9500ft
No feathers ruffled here. If the others would just say something instead of "hint" that would be better. I mean I am here to learn and be helped if someone sees it fit.
Here is the QL for close to where I am running in my rifle.
-04.0 98 63.65 3030 3058 54155 12597 100.0 1.209
now if I...
ok i am wondering how you know what node your on with your load? I dont understand this node stuff but am wanting to learn.
Where an I at with mine?
280 AI
63.5 gr rl26
210m primer
24" barrel
3234 FPS