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  1. M

    node help

    Gonna do that. Got chubby ass at the loading bench as we speak
  2. M

    node help

    Ok so here is another load I had loaded the same day just a lighter load. 62.8 gr rl 26 Same seating depth and my chrono read 5 shot average of 3195fps So 62 gr would drop it around 3150 fps if I'm thinkin right
  3. M

    node help

    Send me a number and I'll text a picture of what I have got
  4. M

    node help

    Same measurement . I'm not sure how much water to put in it. Do I want just a small bit above the top of case or a big rounded water ball above it I have a picture of the water in the case but don't know how to post pictures. I can text it to someone
  5. M

    node help

    I don't have anymore fired cases, only had the one.
  6. M

    node help

    3506 from tip to base on coal
  7. M

    node help

    It's nosler brass, and thank you I will pull bullets and start over on loads.
  8. M

    node help

    Well all thank you for your help. Just be straight up with me its all good. I'm glad that I have a place to go and get help. As you guys see it where would you be with my powder and bullet combo fora load?
  9. M

    node help

    Hornady bullet comparator measurement is 2.830" and the water measurement was 71.2 not 72.2 And 150 gr ablr bullets
  10. M

    node help

    I appreciate you helping me understand.
  11. M

    node help

  12. M

    node help

    Yes so explain what now
  13. M

    node help

    Ok empty case is 205.3 Full of water is 277.5
  14. M

    node help

    if im over charged wouldn't I have a smiley face on my brass or a shinny spot? Bolt lift is smooth and not sticky. Also does elevation have anything to do with it? Im at 7600 ft to 9500ft
  15. M

    node help

    How do I get my case capacity?
  16. M

    node help

    No feathers ruffled here. If the others would just say something instead of "hint" that would be better. I mean I am here to learn and be helped if someone sees it fit. Here is the QL for close to where I am running in my rifle. -04.0 98 63.65 3030 3058 54155 12597 100.0 1.209 now if I...
  17. M

    burris offset ring inserts

    thank you
  18. M

    node help

    ok i am wondering how you know what node your on with your load? I dont understand this node stuff but am wanting to learn. Where an I at with mine? 280 AI 63.5 gr rl26 210m primer 24" barrel 3234 FPS
  19. M

    burris offset ring inserts

    Does anyone have these there not using? I need .20" lift in the rear of my ring and I cant find anyone that has any to buy. Any help appreciated.
  20. M

    280 AI 168 gr ABLR

    Nice work!!! I might have to give them a try one day. That is some fine shooting sir!