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  1. RiverRider

    Twisting it right...

    I hope you guys find this worth reading... I wanted to try and explain this with accompanying graphics, but I was unable to easily find suitable images and my skills with drawing software would probably lead to more confusion than clarification. So, I will try to simply use words. Starting at...
  2. RiverRider

    Silly question dealing with twist

    Okay, gents...I am posting a write-up in the forum in a new thread.
  3. RiverRider

    Congrats Scotty!

    Congrats, Mr. Beretz, and a salute! I have a feeling this is going to lead to an increase in powder, primer, and bullet consumption on your part. Good for you!
  4. RiverRider

    H4831sc velocity question

    I'm working with a new-to-me rifle in .280, and I have found that velocities are considerably lower using the loads I had worked up for the previous rifle. It takes 1.4 more grains of H4831 to get velocity back up to 2920 fps using the same powder lot. Fire-formed cases from the new rifle hold...
  5. RiverRider

    Scope power ?

    Whoa. Sorry for the mixup, somewhere along the line I got to thinking we were talking Leupold. I'm sure the Red field 4-12x would be great, though.
  6. RiverRider

    Scope power ?

    I really liked my VX-II 4-12Xs, they were nice and VX-II 6-18Xs, not so much. I've culled almost all the older stuff and gone with VX-3s, and really like my 3.5-10s and 4.5-14s. The 6.5-20s on my .22 center fires were a real step up also. If you're going to stay with the VX-2 line...
  7. RiverRider

    Finally joined the fold.

    Welcome Dan, I share your views on the nature of this forum and find it to be pretty refreshing after a few minutes of reading all the ball-busting and personal attacks so prevalent on other sites. We enjoy a lot of real world experience presented with a generous helping of humility also. This...
  8. RiverRider

    Silly question dealing with twist

    I'll give it a shot, Whitesheep. It will take me a while to write it, find out it is confusing and sucks, rewrite it and lose it because I forgot to save it, then rewrite it once again. ;) Once I get my act together I'll share it right here in this thread. It sure won't be tonight, though.
  9. RiverRider

    Silly question dealing with twist

    Back when there was a confirmed new record sniper kill at some ridiculous range---something like 3000 meters, I did a little fiddling around to get an idea whether overstabilization would have affected the shot. If I recall correctly, the muzzle would have had to be elevated about 5 to 6 degrees...
  10. RiverRider

    Gun Registration coming to the US

    I think it may become necessary for the States to declare the federal government illegitimate, and all federal law null and void before it's all said and done. I read the Constitution the other day and it struck me as though it was an agreement among the States to allow a central government with...
  11. RiverRider

    QuickLoad questions thread...

    That's a good question. I've given that some thought, and when looking at QuickLOAD results it's my opinion that if it tells you the powder will burn 100% at pressures below what you intend to run, then you can be at least somewhat confident you'll get that 100% burn. If you're on the cusp of...
  12. RiverRider

    I'm liking RL23

    I've been led to believe that a suppressor will generally cause higher pressures. I don't know it for a fact, but I believe it.
  13. RiverRider

    QL question - case capacities

    QL's default value is 65.8 grains of water. There is no option for selecting a manufacturer.
  14. RiverRider

    .1 vs .02 digital powder scales

    I hardly see the point in chasing 1 fps consistency in powder charging when a half-grain difference in water capacity between cases will net you about 10 fps in variance---and I'd be surprised to see a variation in a lot of 20 cases less than 1 grain. Throw in neck tension variations, and the...
  15. RiverRider

    Forster Co-Ax press

    If I'm only loading a dozen rounds or so, I'll go ahead and just use the Co-Ax priming station. No doubt it is positively consistent, but it IS slow going. I use my RCBS hand priming tool if I've got more work to do.
  16. RiverRider

    I'm liking RL23

    I guess that explains the bullet holes. Duh! What part of the world are you in?
  17. RiverRider

    Primer flat?

    This is what a flattened primer looks like---to me.
  18. RiverRider

    30-06 info

    You can sooner get in trouble with the 4350s than the 4831s, but the potential is there with both.
  19. RiverRider

    30-06 info

    A little unsolicited won't get a good burn with 7828 and your velocity spreads are likely going to be all over the place. Smokeless powder is meant to operate at certain pressures and when pressures are low, performance generally suffers. Using a burn rate that's too slow can even...
  20. RiverRider

    30-06 info

    I personally have no fear of pushing the .30-06 beyond SAAMI pressure specs, but you might possibly get into trouble with IMR4831. Cartridge : .30-06 Spring. (SAAMI) Bullet : .308, 180, Nosler PART PP 25396 Useable Case Capaci: 61.419 grain H2O = 3.988 cm³ Cartridge O.A.L...