you and hodgeman make an excellent point Cheyenne and you, Hodgeman, Gil, Dr Mike, Gerry, Earle and a couple others, I can understand how you guys feel. I can not even image hunting 80 days a year ( and more in cheyenne's and gil's case) or to have the smorgasbord of big game available to...
Charles, I had forgotten about that. The Wisconsin "hunters" we interacted with on a different forum took low to a whole new "lower" level.
April, I have some shirt tail relatives in Wisconsin, and they do fish and love the Green Bay Packers, but to my knowledge dont hunt.
Charles, not on...
nice Rodger
April, Tom has a large collection of military rifles and from memory some with the bayonets. Maybe if he comes along he can share or perhaps Charles can confirm if my memory serves me correctly.
Dr Mike, also from memory I think I remember ending that you and Cheyenne use the...
LOL excellent response and reasoning Dr Mike. I was actually wondering why the people that were standing across the street were still there. I would be gone!!!!
Congratulations Guy. I hope to someday hunt one
Did you also see Hodgeman, Cheyenne and Gil? I think Hodgeman and Gil might have been close to you on your travels but Cheyenne would have been a little further north and at this time of year one can not drive to get there.
That 30-06 of...
I am in complete agreement with Hodgeman.
April, or Jamila, I am curious why one can hunt Lions but not Leopards with a bow. And is the muzzleloader requirements based on joules ? I have no intention of using either if I was ever lucky enough to hunt Africa, but was curious
thank you Hodgeman
I also ask Brooke if she would be so kind as to give us any information about these rifles as I knew her family had both. She will not make a post but said I could quote her
"hodgeman is as usual, spot on. My great uncle uses his Big Horn when he goes fishing for bear...
I agree with the others, plus Earle, who mentioned --how many times can we look at a target with holes in it--besides for most of us this is the off season, hunting wise.
Dan, that sounds great, I hope you and your son draw for it. I would also like to hunt them, but I have so many things I...
what a fun thread, regardless of which direction it veers off to sometimes. Even my wife has had a chuckle or two when reading it
How does one hunt the Capercaillie, with a shotgun or rifle ?
Gil, love your bucket list of hunting destinations,
and again I have to say what some of you guys do, literally in your everyday life, is not only foreign to me, but something I had not even thought about.
Gil. Dr Mike, Hodgeman, Bear78, salmon chaser, 35Whelen and others---some of your posts are just way beyond anything I have done or even...
the part of April's post I thought was funny was "I dont want you two to gang up on a poor defenseless woman"
I agree with Rodger, who is pulling who's leg---poor defenseless woman---, I have a feeling you will hold your own just fine April
April, I read your post before you took it down and I agree.
Dr Mike, Charles, I am another that agrees with what you both have posted.
Have you noticed how the left is a big supporter of free speech, unless it is different than what they believe. Especially the universities, look no...
like scotty I dont have a dangerous game rifle.
I would take my 340 Weatherby for plains game and would love to buy a 450/400 double for dangerous game.
Actually I would be content to take my 300 and 340 weatherby and only hunt the plains game animals that he will be hunting
Dewey, what...
257 Weatherby 120
300 Weatherby 200
340 Weatherby 225
If its not broke dont fix it
Charles-----Not if--when! Also, what was your incentive to get the 9.3 x 64, very interesting and classic old caliber . Was it inherited perhaps ?
Question ---is Gil, Hodgeman, and Cheyenne the only ones on the forum who can hunt bears and other animals for substance ? And do you three have to even have a license ? a tag ?
Best of luck on your bear hunts, Lefty, Dr Mike, Hodgeman, Gerry---I am envious
Honestly April, to a lot of us,unusual, is any animal we have not previous hunted. I have not hunted all the animals on your "not unusual" list
To people like Dr Mike, Gil, Hodgeman, Earle, Bear78, Gerry, and a handful of others here your Caribou, Moose, Grizzly, Sheep, Goat are all within...