This is an easy one for us as we have discussed it on multiple occasions
Myself, Lechwe, Kudu, Lion
Wife, Giraffe and Leopard
April, I know this is in bad form but my wife was curious about the qualifications and cost of possibly attending the all girls hunt. She said the knowledge and...
That is funny. The 1940's , no gun safe, there is a deer in the garden, so you stop milking, shoot it, and then continue milking and I spend hours and somedays days looking for one to shoot.
Reading posts from you and Earle, Salmonchaer, Dr Mike and others always brings a smile and a little...
I can reply to part off this thread.
Octoberfest is a lot of fun Guy and Frankfurt is a very nice city.
Best of luck Guy on your hunt. I would like to hunt Africa someday
April, you, Earle, and Hodgeman are in my humble opinion ( as well as a few others here, like Dr Mike, Gil, Gerry, Salmonchaser, Cheyenne, others ) actually have enough experience hunting different animals to be in a position to compare. you and hodgeman are speaking about goat and grizzly;s...
I had to look up, Grumman Goose, and I must confess, I did not expect to see an Airplane.
Earle, those must be the ultimate float planes, but can you land on snow with them ? I am guessing not but have zero knowledge.
when we hunt in Montana, we always have horses and mules, which makes packing out a lot easier. I would assume several of you fellows who live out west use mules and horses, but I dont see it mentioned ????
thanks Gil, I appreciate the work and explanation. I also did a little more research and just looking at ballistics and bullet availability only, it is hard now for me to understand Cheyenne's love affair with the 71, but I have never even held a win or Browning 71, plus it appears from...
Getty, Dr Mike, thank you
and excuse me if this is a dumb question, but based upon what Dr Mike described, why would one not just buy a 45/70, which are still being produced in lever actions, as well as cases and bullets. A 45/70 would certainly be big enough for bear protection, if the 348...
Gerry, Dr Mike, Scotty
As far as which caliber is better, not which rifle, but caliber, how much difference is there between the 348, 356, and 358. Dr Mike likes the 356, Scotty likes the 348, as a hunting rifle, I am curious what would tend to make one want one over the other--thank you
I wish I had the rifles/calibers the girls have.
My wife and I choose "the hunt" to go with "the rifle" so to speak, but to be honest we dont have as many rifles as some of you so it is not all that hard for us
what a wonderful day for all. congratulations and I am glad your father was still able to be a part of it
yeah, I think the ladies who are members of our forum, could write a book about disgraceful social behavior. Some of it is even threatening --sad!
When we head to Montana each year, we find that we enjoy "just" being in the mountains and away from civilization as much as hunting. We are perfectly happy helping others with their hunt, as long as we are "out there".
I have mentioned this before but the year we vacationed in the Mackenzie...
someone a lot smarter than I would have to make this decision for me. I have found them for sale from 8000 to 1500. Obviously condition has a lot to do with it and possibly the date manufactured, but in reading the descriptions of each one, I would need a lot more education about them than I...
nicely done Tom. A little easier getting this one to the freezer than the elk you got earlier this year. Does your oldest daughter still hunt with you Tom ?
Add me to the list of those who would contribute April
Gil, as always, excellent information
As to her having a 340 weatherby. We have one of those also and unless I am mistaken it does in fact shoot further and hit harder than the 35 Whelen. But we each get to choose which rifle and caliber...