I definitely think about it, but Blaser doesn't make a barrel in it yet!
I would buy a ULW but not with a brake on it. I despise those things, just personal preference.
I used a 140 grain Accubond and a generous dose of MRP. I'll have to look when I get near my notebooks again for the exact load. It was a duplicate of the Nosler factory load.
I will admit I also shot a Red Stag with that load and he dropped on the spot. I didn't chase any of these animals with...
My neighbor received a new plastic-stocked 700 ADL in 30-06 as a gift. He's never had a hunting rifle. I went to the range with him and he was doing, shall we say, poorly at 100 yards.
I sat down with the rifle and I thought the trigger was jammed. No, just HEAVY, with a load of over travel!
That's only part of the story. The brass gets clean on the INSIDE, too, so the powder can rush to the bullet that much faster. In my case, that's made even faster by the venturi shoulder on the Weatherby case!
Africa represents a real bargain for the hunter, these days, in terms of game and experience.
I'm headed to NZ in May, and it isn't terrible in terms of the expense, including the touring.
Hawaii hunting is pricey, in my opinion., for what you get.
Well, I do have a 257 Weatherby and it is an awesome round and I've also used it to good effect. I just often have mixed bag hunts so I am prepared!
That 6.5 slipped in there out of nostalgia. It is a great slaying round, too. If I were to go after those species again, I would be seriously...
I switched to all wet tumbling a couple of years ago. The extra "work" is worth it to me as I obsess about neck tension and like to start "clean".
I use the Frankford Arsenal brass dryer now. An hour in the trays and ready to load.
For soap, I use the Armor All car wash. It leaves just a...
Deer - 300 Weatherby
Elk - 300 Weatherby
Plains Game - 300 Weatherby
Red stag - 300 Weatherby
Bear - 300 Weatherby
Antelope - 300 Weatherby
Sheep, backbuck, fallow - 6.5x55
I have all kinds of calibers available, and I enjoy them, but the 300 always goes these days. Guess what I'm taking to NZ...
I have a self-imposed limit of 300 yards. It isn't that I can't, it is that I won't. I am not going to go hungry and if I get busted getting closer, so be it.
I don't care too much what others do, as long as it is legal. There are enough divisions between gun owners now, without adding to it.
With all due respect, have you had anyone else shoot the rifle? Do they get the same (or similar) results? Have you checked the torque on the stock screws? (Relieve them and retighten to spec?)
If everything is negative then a trip to OR is definitely warranted. Once you've eliminated...
I switched exclusively to 4451 in the 30-06 with 180 AB's. Works just fine. I've run up and down the recommended values with no problems.
Even though it contains a copper-reducing agent, the stuff is still dirty. I'm for anything that reduces my cleaning workload, though.
What's up with the 28" barrel on all the 6.5-300? It is the only Mark V that has it.
It has to be to keep the velocity crown from the 26 Nosler. I think I would have to cut it.