Search results

  1. N

    Borrowed Buffalo Rifles

    Europe, I've used borrowed rifles and lent them to family and friends. Normally, when I am taking a gun on a trip it is because I am accustomed to it, know its condition and its operation. I'm particularly keen to know how to get additional shells into the chamber, operation of the safety and...
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    Powder for 280 AI with Swift Scirocco

    Dwh7271, I got out last Saturday with the IMR 4955 and Swift Sciroccos. I don't have a lot of things I can confidently report as the weather was pretty horrendous. My Oehler 35p wasn't giving me a proof reading; I think the moisture or static from the storms was shorting out one of the sensors...
  3. N

    Can I put a broadhead through a shoulder?

    I'm not recommending shooting through the shoulder of any large game, but if you were inclined to try I would definitely recommend reading up on and adhering to Dr. Ashby's insights - a lot of his writings / notes can be found at: JD338, pretty much sums...
  4. N

    SNAFU.....Rifle? Scope? Load ? less than3 weeks to resolve

    Dan, no offense taken. From what I can tell everyone on the forum is here to learn and grow... As such I wanted to show my reasoning, and if it is flawed than I want to know. Take care.
  5. N

    Cleaning and Storage Products

    Amen, cherish your memories and your new grandson!
  6. N

    SNAFU.....Rifle? Scope? Load ? less than3 weeks to resolve

    Dan, I'll own up to the blue locktite / thread-locker claim. The reason I recommended the blue thread-locker was that the screws in the Aluminum mounts were coming loose; my first thought was that the Aluminum mounts might be starting to strip and their use on a magnum moved me to suspect that...
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    Cleaning and Storage Products

    rqauack, If you want a letter stating the date of manufacture / shipping I would recommend ... s-records/. They charge for the letter and only have certain serial numbers available. But for "presentation grade" information they would be my first stop...
  8. N

    SNAFU.....Rifle? Scope? Load ? less than3 weeks to resolve

    I'm with TD, Dr. Vette, JD338, Guy Miner, etc. Scirocco's are long bullets with lots of surface area and the jacket material tends to drag rather than slide over barrel. As such pressure will be higher with them compared to many other bullets when using the same powder charge. Light weight /...
  9. N

    Warm weather load development

    Truck Driver is correct in that you should run a couple of patches or a dry mop through the bore after using the chilled air. Make sure the bore is dry so that there isn't anything in there to screw up things. Further agreeing with TD, I would get a baseline for how quickly it cools using...
  10. N

    Cleaning and Storage Products

    Sounds like you have some very nice guns and memories! Personally, and I don't mean to butt in with the 30-30, I'm not a big fan of displaying guns due to the ease of theft. However, I've been tempted a few times to go the display route myself...
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    Warm weather load development

    SJB358, TD and Ethmoid1999 answered your question better than I could. I will add that in extreme conditions additional concerns arise. For example my parents live in South West Utah were temps have been topping out at 100-108 F (ambient air) last couple of weeks. My brother lives in AZ where...
  12. N

    Cleaning and Storage Products

    It depends on what you are dealing with. Wood stocks need different care than a tupperware stock or a good synthetic stock; as some oils / preservatives can run into the wood and cause swelling or take the finish off. VCI bags (mylar bags with desiccant / rust preventative vapor in them) are...
  13. N

    270 Win 140 AB Assistance needed

    DrVette, I have an odd question for you - are you getting any contact rings or other deformities on the bullets? I'm wondering if the seating stem and bullet are a good fit; the stem could be introducing run-out or otherwise messing with the bullet alignment. I'm not sure what velocity you...
  14. N

    Warm weather load development

    284allways, I shoot off a bi-pod and after each shot I put the muzzle up with the action open to get a chimney affect going through. It helps cool the barrel faster than keeping it horizontal and I can do this while the rifle is out of the sun. I picked up the technique by an article in Field...
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    Field maintenance?

    hodgeman, You are very blessed if you've only had one scope issue to deal with. I've really not had any issues with my personal guns while hunting, unless I took a tumble and snow / debris got into my barrel. However, I'm usually called on to rectify the issues of weekend hunters who might not...
  16. N

    Well now

    Agreed, and have a great trip.
  17. N

    Field maintenance?

    bdbrown66, Good idea on the water balloons, I mean balloons. I stopped hunting with guys using them though, I never liked getting hit with water balloons once they filled their tags... Not sure if you've experienced this, but some cheaper balloons seem to rip / come apart in really cold...
  18. N

    Rifle Weight

    I like lighter 6-6.5 lbs rifles (Kimber 84L for example) that I then pork-up with bipods. I don't own any magnums or anything beyond 30-06, so light and handy wins the day over recoil mitigation. I can't recall weighing any of my rigs, but I think they end up in the 7.5-8 lbs range. My right...
  19. N

    Field maintenance?

    Dewey pull through cable and nylon bore brush - it is rigid enough to deal with snow and other non-hard / bullet obstructions. Have it in a fanny-pack or pocket to deal with snow / ice when it happens rather than having to get back to camp. Shotgun patches - can be trimmed as needed or used as...
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    Favorite calibers

    280 Rem; just starting on the 280 AI. For what I hunt, I've never seen the need for a belt or to go beyond 7mm let alone 30 caliber. 223 for general purpose / varmint control. For action - controlled round feed bolt. Have been leaning on the Kimber 84L series as of late (30-06 and a new 280...