1 inch for me also. My average shot on elk is 300 yards, as I hunt in hilly mountainous country. Longest measured shot to date has been 540 yards. Most of my shots are from the prone position with a good solid rests and lots of time. Shortest shot? Probably 25 yards or a little less, a 10...
The case is a 30:06 case manufactured in St Louis from 1941 to 1945. The diameter of the bullet would help in determination of the cartridge. Even outside case diameter would help. The data I find shows the Gibbs overall case length to slightly shorter than the 270 and longer than the 06...
In the past the bigger bucks hung out along the fringes of the timber west of Ft Rock. My last time I was in there was in the early 60's but deer like elk seem to favor the same areas, year after year
MARSHALL,,,I have 50 in the bag, brand new unfired, Remington 280 Nickel Plated brass, seconds (cosmetic blemishes). Shipped to you for $20.00. I am using RP, Hornady and Nosler brass in my AI, and have experienced little difference in case life.
The only time I have a rifle in the truck is while hunting, or traveling to a practice spot. Always one of my friends are along to keep me company, Kimber, Springfield Armoury, or my little friend Glock. Never by myself.
I have one lower shelf all the way across the bottom, on it are sand bags, ear muffs, one old press, some other antique gear, and misc "stuff" . I also have several book cases and my Army foot locker for other things.
I cannot say your worrying is unfounded because you really didn't explain what if any changes have occurred in your shooting or accuracy. If you see no change then yes your worries are unfounded. I have never measured the concentricity on a case in my lifetime. I have been loading for 60...
Our little group is waiting for the Wyoming elk draw, I already have another preference point in Arizona and Nevada, and will be applying in Oregon and Idaho for a Spike tag and cow tag respectively. I have lots of points in Washington, and can probably draw but the hunts conflict with those in...