Loading some 44 special to plink with at the range with my Redhawk and not sure which weight would be the way to go, 180 or 200 gr bullet? Might also use em for home defense too.
Gonna start loading hunting loads for my GP 100 357 for deer and hog hunting here in Ohio and not sure if I should go with a 125 gr JSP or JHC Sierra or would I be better off using a 158 gr bullet? I have a box of 125 gr Speer deep Curl bullets to try also, I was thinkin about using em for 38 + P.
For here in the lower 48 my 280 Rem & 7mm-08 and my bow. On small game 12 ga ou or 22. If I'm ever lucky enough to go north of the boarder or Alaska I'll be putting my 300 WSM to work.
It is s flat base bullet, I'm gonna use it for deer hunting and wouldn't rule it out for black bear too if shoots this good the next couple times I shoot it again.
I just picked up a pound of it the other day at the mom & pop shop I get my powder and primers from. If I'm not mistaken, H414 had a similar burn rate to H4350.
Congrats on your first Deer! I've taken my share with a Mossberg trophy slugster using 2 3/4 Remington copper sabots. The Buckhammer slugs drop em in their tracks too.