Search results

  1. T

    Had the 280 Remington out today

    I'm gonna run another 5 rounds through it next weekend before I go and load a bunch of em.
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    Successful deer hunt

    Congrats on the deer! It will make for some good eatin!
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    Pink Mountain 7 October 2015

    Awesome country!
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    Washington State Moose, 26 Nosler. Bullet pic added

    Congratulations on a great moose! Looks like the Nosler 26 is a real winner!
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    Had the 280 Remington out today

    Ran some 140 gr AB's throughly the 280 this afternoon.
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    .25/06 vs elk

    I'd much rather see someone someone hunting with a 25-06 or 7mm-08 that they can shoot lights out with than a shiny new magnum that's been shot just enough to get sighted in!
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    Noah "Two Shot"

    Good job! We sprinkle a little creole seasoning on em and cook em over the fire at deer camp if we bag any, good eatin!
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    Hunting season already over!

    Damn! Sorry to hear that brother! Do what the Dr. Says and let it heal right so you're ready for next year.
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    Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag

    Good lookin rig! I've toyed with the idea of getting one myself.
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    The MIGHTY 444 Marlin

    Love my 444! It goes everywhere I go when hunting.
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    Speer Deepcurl discontinued?

    I was looking around on Speer's website and it looks like the Deepcurl bullets have been discontinued. They're showing the hot core, grand slam and the btsp for rifle bullets.
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    Muzzy Mule deer

    Nice mule deer! Congrats!
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    Load workup for .280 Remington with 150gr pt

    IMR-4831 and H4831sc are what i use in my 280 with 140 gr BT & AB, RL-19 showed good results with a 160 gr Gameking, I'm gonna try H4831sc with that bullet too and see how it does.
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    Nice bird! I've always enjoyed grouse hunting.
  15. T

    Grouse opener

    Congrats on the grouse! Our season opens here Oct 10.
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    switching from H4831sc to reg H4831

    Thanks guys! I talked to a ballistics tech at Sierra, and he suggested doing the same thing.
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    switching from H4831sc to reg H4831

    I'm running low on H4831sc for my 300 WSM and 280 Rem and the place I get my powder from has plenty of H4831 in stock. If I switch over is it common to have to adjust the charge?
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    Round ball vs Maxi-hunter

    I've taken many deer with a round ball out of my TC Renegade, I could never get the maxi balls to shoot out of it.
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    Most memorable shot on big game?

    I have two, the first deer I took with a bow when I was 16 and the cow elk I took with my 300 WSM in Montana in 2009.
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    Most memorable hunt?

    The first grouse hunt I went on with my dad when I was 11 or 12.