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  1. J

    H414 and accubond

    Elkeater2 You said ""it just seems there is more confusion than usual "", well i have it now! LOL
  2. J

    H414 and accubond

    Thanks for the help. Got some loaded up, just have to get out
  3. J

    H414 and accubond

    Thanks for the help guys, Im working on one now but my scale dont work. Good thing Cabelas is open till ten tonight.
  4. J

    H414 and accubond

    Sounds great, thanks alot
  5. J

    H414 and accubond

    I have alot of H414 powder 140 grain accubonds left over from when I had my 7mm SAUM and Im wondering if I can combine the two for my sons 7mm-08 if not what would be a good deer/elk load. I have the Nosler fifth edition and it don't state a load for the Accubond and H414. This is my second...
  6. J

    Reloadind 7mm SAUM

    I am new to this site and to reloading. I have two questions that I am concerned about. I have the Nosler reloading guide 5 edition. The first question i have is about the overal lengh (proper bullet seating) of the bullet. the book shows the maximum cartridge length of 2.825, when i...