If the first shot goes true, I dont need a quick second shot. I use my .204R as a single shot all the time on Coyotes and P-Dogs. If I am packing it Elk hunting, and worried about it I'll seat them deep enough to fit the mag.
Thanks DrMike.
I made a dummy round coloring the 180gr Nosler Partion with a sharpie. Put the round in the gun and closed the bolt. I pulled it back out and can see the marks in the ink from the lands. The OAL measured 3.482 inches. So would I want to seat at 3.472 to start and go from...
:? Dumb Question, How much can you go at a time when you are trying to find your best OAL? I understand the part about using a dummy round and a sharpie to find the lands. I have just been going .10 over recomended oal. and things have been going fine. I loaded a few that just fit in the...