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  1. B

    I want to HUNT!!!

    Come on down to Texas..... A bunch of us went hunting for hogs and free-range Axis does last weekend. I had Axis tenderloin for dinner last night. POP-It's time you dragged your sorry self down this way again too! Bob
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    Handgun reloading

    357 Some options 125 gr. Hornady XTP/Speer Gold Dot H4227=18.5gr. (20 gr. Max) HS-6 =10.5gr. (10.9 Max)1580fps. Titegroup=7.4gr. (7.5 Max) Velocity=1475 fps. 158 gr. XTP/Gold Dot LOADED OVERALL LENTGH=1.580 H-110=16.0 gr. (16.7gr. Max) Velocity=1550 fps. 40 S&W 155 gr. Speer Gold Dot/XTP...
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    Ramshot Big Game?

    FYI-Ramshot lists 40.4 grs. as the max load in a 22-250 using the 50 gr. BT's..............
  4. B

    Ramshot Big Game?

    I switched to Big Game in my 22-250. I get consistant .5" groups. I shoot the 55 gr. #1365 Sierra SBT Game King. Bob Here is the load mine likes: 55 gr. #1365 Sierra SBT Big Game-39.0 grs. Win Brass CCI BR-2 Primer 2.350” COL 3650 fps.-.5” group
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    Last Minute Grey Fox on Blackbuck Hunt

    Last weekend I was guiding one of my free-range blackbuck hunts near Camp Wood, Texas. I got my hunter on a nice blackbuck. The rancher let me take a doe for the freezer too. I took it at 252 yards with my Posse AR. After my hunter headed home to meet his taxidermist I drove back out to the...
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    NRA tool bar

    Ditto.... To answer your question, it all helps. Just look at what the "little NRA Round Up Option" at Midway alone has accomplished. We need to do as much as possible. Being a member there and elsewhere is not nearly enough either. Be in constant contact with Congress.......... Bob
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    Shooting Rests

    Check out the new Caldwell Full Length Fire Control Shooting Rest. They are just starting to be available now. I know that Midway has them in. Bob Perfect for fingertip control over crosshair placement and unmatched accuracy. The Fire Control Rest gives the shooter precision and...
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    Rocky Mtn National Park

    They also have Big Horn Sheep visible from the highway every year. Bob
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    We had a great time and I look forward to next years safari. Bob
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    There are also many abandoned adobe settler's cabins in this area.
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    We also came up on a bedded mulie and some pronghorns.
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    Another shot. Typical terrain.
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    Jay on a stand. Me on a stand.
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    This is a huge (for a high desert coyote) dominant male I called in. Typical set up.
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    Annual New Mexico Safari

    I have been heading to northeastern New Mexico to call coyotes between Christmas and New Years since 2000. This year I took a hunting buddy with me. The conditions were terrible (high temps, high winds, high grass, 2 years of mange), but we made the best of what we were dealt and had a great...
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    Yard Stick Rack

    I would have paid money to see Granpa's face when he got back to camp!! Bob
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    Texas Low Fenced Whitetails

    My "ugly" Savage gets a pretty good work out too! 8) Bob
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    Texas Low Fenced Whitetails

    Thanks, but Mrs. "Slew" is married to one of our other members. She was hunting with "Slew" to get her first whitetail buck. She also got a doe for the freezer. Bob
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    Texas Low Fenced Whitetails

    A few of us got together two weeks ago up in Menard County, Texas for a whitetail hunt. We got a few Hill Country bucks and some does for the freezer (I had chile this weekend 8) ). Here are a few photos. Good Hunting, Bob My buck. 7mm-08 "Mrs. Slew's" first ever whitetail!! Gotta love...
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    Merry X-mas POP new toy!

    I will be taking my Whitworth African Express 375 H&H. Bob