So I’ve struggled with this for my entire reloading experience. I understand there is no set value here but each individual rifle has its own. When developing loads how important is it? Should an OCW and preferred boolit be the main focus and seating depth considered after? What about book...
270win and 243win are the only 2 calibers I’ve ever got a deer DRT. All other they ran a short way. 270 was about 70yds NOS AB and 243 was 167yds Horn SST
So I’ve been running my Savage 243w with Sierra PH 100gr and 41.0gr of H4350 pushing them right at or slightly under 3k. Great accuracy and mild recoil. I’ve had 10 rounds loaded for some time now with 90gr accubonds with RL17 @42.0 and put them over the chrono today at 3230fps avg. I had good...
PA deer are pretty skittish when they’re pressured but I’ve also seen a buddies son who was about 14 shoot right over the back of a deer and the three standing there didn’t even twitch. But as soon as he racked another round they took off, not sure if it was the noise or they saw movement but...
How much variance are you getting?
I know this is grasping at straws but the amount of pressure on the press handle will cause some slight differences. Also just to cover you butt check your press and dies to insure everything is tight and not moving on you.
Use a chamber measure from Hornady or an empty case and put a lose bullet in it. Get a chamber measurement by measuring the ogive of the bullet then shorten it by .02 and see how that shoots and adjust if needed
Thank you!!! I’m gonna run the Ohaus scale and see if I truly need anything more than a good scoop and trickler to measure out charges but I think I’m going with a good powder throw in the near future. As of Nov I’m taking 3 months off so I’ll have time to tinker
No QL but I’m currently using 55g imr4350 with a 130 SGK at 3080fps from my Rem700 22”. I haven’t had luck in other cartridges but in this 270 it’s doing well
Guy, has there been any measurable difference between the measure and hand measuring? With regards to accuracy or even the ES/SD?
I’m starting to believe I’m overthinking this just a smidge
Your thread is what made me post this. I didn’t want to hijack it but I’m in the same boat. I’m wanting a quality scale but also not wanting to spend big money. Midway has an RCBS M1000 for $135 right now but I’m not 100% on it. Looking for some advice on trustworthy scales
So a recent thread about scales got me to thinking about replacing mice. It’s just a cheapy Amazon scale I think I paid less than $50 for. It’s a Brifit and measures .01 grain. Seems to work fine but I’m looking into a beam scale or possibly an electronic dispenser. What is your preferences of...
Am I seriously the only yokel weighing by hand still??? Maybe I need to get with the times
Anyone have a lead on a metal charge pan without buying a new scale?