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  1. W

    Nosler .300 Win. Mag. Brass issues

    I had some of their 6.5 Creedmoor brass that was so tight even reaming it didn't help much. I haven't had any accuracy fall off with it though.
  2. W

    time to buy an annealer, which one?

    I use a MAPP gas torch and from the videos I've seen of high priced annealers, my method is way faster.
  3. W

    2nd time shooting 350 yards today with the 6.5 CM.

    If you have access to some Ramshot Hunter I really recommend that.
  4. W

    Montana Super Tag drawings:

    I didn't do any super tags but I drew a Missouri River Breaks Bighorn Ewe tag this year. Also got a pair Bear Paw cow tags. Pronghorn results should be out soon.
  5. W

    Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor brass cracking

    Definitely contact Hornady. They will make it right. I have no trouble with my Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor brass.
  6. W

    Primer Tool

    I have both of the RCBS hand primers. They work fine for my needs.
  7. W

    .308 v. 7mm-08 Varget max load question

    My guess is that the 7mm 150 is longer than the 308 150 and reduces case capacity.
  8. W

    6mm Creedmoor

    I haven't found out yet, although I have the tools to turn necks if necessary. I will be using Hornady brass. I'm hoping a .272 bushing gets me where I need to be.
  9. W

    22 Nosler case issues

    That's classic over gassing causing too much bolt velocity It's unlocking before the case shrinks back down after firing. That bends rims and causes the ejector to tear brass. Getting an adjustable gas block or heavier buffer and spring are the steps to correct the issues.
  10. W

    Nosler RDF Bullets

    I'd like to give them a try but the plain Custom Comps shoot really well for me. I put down a .124" group at 100 yards last time out with my Creedmoor.
  11. W

    Could use some advice on neck sizing?

    I can't tell you anything about the Lee dies, I've never used them. I do neck size my 6.5 Creedmoor though, I use a 289 bushing in a Redding Type S neck die. It provides plenty of neck tension.
  12. W

    6.5 Creedmoor--What works for you?

    Factory ammo just isn't consistent enough for me. I use Redding Type S neck bushing sizer, RCBS competition seater, and a RCBS full length when necessary.
  13. W

    Anyone using ramshot Hunter w/ great success?

    I like it in my 6.5 Creedmoor. Sub quarter MOA groups.
  14. W

    powder recall

    I have 490 too, hopefully that one is safe.
  15. W

    Nosler RDF for 6.5 Creedmoor

  16. W

    Ruger Number One 30-06 - Ruger Customer Service

    Although I haven't needed much service from Ruger, I have always been treated well. Anybody that says different is not being truthful.
  17. W

    Nosler RDF for 6.5 Creedmoor

    My observation is that you'll have to go with the 130s to get more velocity.
  18. W

    210 ABLR + RL23 = :)

    I've run some up to near 3000 FPS, given the accuracy I may just leave this alone. These are seated out to 3.515" which is .1" off the lands.
  19. W

    Nosler RDF for 6.5 Creedmoor

    I only get 2750 from the 28" barrel on my Creedmoor and 140s. The 130 AB runs right at 2900 from my 24" Creedmoor. Trajectory is pretty similar.
  20. W

    210 ABLR + RL23 = :)

    Thanks all, I sure do enjoy the way it all came together. This load only runs 2850 FPS so I have some room to work up.