thanks Bill,Ijust finished a 3 shot group,just under 1" with 75gr imr 4350,used R9.5M primers.The 180gr ETip went threw 5, 5gallon plastic jugs.Approx;48"of water till it stopped.Bullet did an awsesome job.I'll try and send picks of it once I figure that part out.I'm going to talk to some local...
I'm looking for a load for the 8mm mag 180 gr Etip.I tried 74.5 Imr 4350,approx 2" grouping,cci 250s were used.I,m going to try H4350 also.the Etips and accus work outstanding in my 7mm mag.also where can I find a list of the primers diff,s are from one to another(fps,burning rate,etc.)