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  1. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    I think I figured out what is causing the feeding issues in my new Mauser. It's a sporterized Mauser and the German stampings are all scrubbed off. However, when I heated it up to cast The Chamber I could see some faint markings. It's a bnz 45, or late War Mauser. Please look at the attached...
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    Tikka T3 Mossy oak!

    Very nice project so far Earl. Looking forward to seeing how it does with handloads. Bret
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    Replacement Mauser triggers

    Well, Midway had the Timney sportsman w/o safety on sale for $49, so I ordered one and an $8 firing pin spring. I was also having some trouble with shells from the left side not staying in the magazine and potentially causing a jam, so I ordered an aftermarket follower too. Hopefully, that...
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    Replacement Mauser triggers

    It's a k98 Mauser, so it cocks on opening the bolt.
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    Replacement Mauser triggers

    I used some Christmas money and picked up a pretty nice sporterized Mauser for cheap because there was no stamping on the barrel as to what caliber it was. Once I figured out it was a 30-06, I was in business. It has Williams FP-98 receiver sights on it and shot the starting loads I ran...
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    .30-06 Powder Question

    I've always preferred IMR4350 for my 30-06 and 280, and the H4350 works well too but seems harder to find. When powder was hard to come by I tried both H414 and IMR4064 because it seemed like they were always on the shelf. They both worked fine as well. I never got quite the accuracy that I...
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    Tikka T3 Mossy oak! has some real nice parts for your Tikka. Looking forward to seeing how it performs for you. My brother had a 264WM years ago and those 140gr bullets are definitely long and slippery. Good luck with it.
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    Best reloading dies

    I actually prefer the Lee dies anymore and have given away several sets of RCBS standard dies. I don't shoot long range or compete. I like the Lees because they are easy to set up and the FL sizer button seems easier on necks than the RCBS buttons. Also, I do really like the collet dies, as...
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    Tikka T3 Mossy oak!

    Nice gun Earle. Nothing wrong with the 6.5 Swede. You'll like the Tikka. I have two and they both were no problem to develop an accurate load for. Looking forward to hearing how load development goes.
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    Ruger Hawkeye M77

    Nice score TD. Looking forward to seeing how your load development goes. 338WM will handle just about anything you point it at I'd think.
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    Rifle Stock Question

    The B&C Medalist stocks are hard to beat at their price point. I'm very happy with mine on my M70 featherweight. I think it looks good, and made the gun a much more comfortable and consistent shooter. Probably not as pretty as the original featherweight walnut stock, but the gun is now rock...
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    Thompson Centers at the Shot Show.

    I'm really starting to like the 6.5 CM on paper, though I don't own one yet, and am glad more manufacturers are offering it. Sort of a modern 6.5x55. I always regret not buying the sporterized Mauser in 6.5x55 I could've gotten cheap when I started deer hunting. The current bargain rifles...
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    Latest .30-06, 180 gr Nosler project

    Not much will stand up to a well placed 180 gr partition from your 30-06. Good choice for nearly any NA game. Good luck with it and let us know how the load develops.
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    The girls are getting solid.

    Glad to hear your dog is on the mend. It's never much fun to have to take them in after such an injury.
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    Cell Phone Gps

    I don't generally use my old Garmin 12 gps while hunting, as we aren't ever far from a road or logging trail. But I do have a small Silva compass as a zipper pull on my hunting vest and coat. The compass helps avoid anxious moments after you've chased a few grouse deep into an overgrown aspen...
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    Reloading bench design on a budget

    You guys have some really nice benches and loading spaces. If you have the space, a dedicated area would be the way to go. Mine has always been a portable affair that bolted or clamped to a table saw in the garage. 2 layers of 3/4" plywood glued and screwed together. My RCBS press is...
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    Sierra 140 gr HPBT Gameking

    I have used them in my 30-06, 165 grain. Outstanding accuracy and I like that there's no lead tip to deform. Killed my deer this year despite poor shot placement on my part with the initial shot. I wanted to get some in 160 gr. for my 280, but my local Cabela's did not have them. I likely...
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    Hunting Bullet Inventories...

    Yep, it sounds like he's on the right path. I recently bought two boxes of 8x57 Mauser ammo for a new sporterized Mauser I got cheap, in part because the caliber wasn't properly stamped on it. Turns out it's not a 8x57 as I assumed, so now I have forty rounds of non-returnable ammo. Only...
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    Next Hunting rifle thoughts?

    I'm not a big fan of recoil, so if I were looking at a .338 caliber option, I wouldn't look much further than the 338 Federal, or the .338-06.
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    Minox BV 10X42 Binoculars

    Congrats on your bino purchase TD. I'm sure you will use them and they will make a difference on your trip out west. My 10x40 Nikons are heavy enough I no longer use just a neck strap. I have upper back and neck issues and hanging that much weight off my neck all day does not help. I...