My 15 yr old daughter doesn't shoot, but has had pretty dramatic changes in eyesight. From 9 or 10 till now, she's gone from needing reading glasses, to not needing glasses at all, to now needing a slight correction to see at distance. The eye Dr. said that young women can go through eye sight...
TD,. I think you're on the right track. I only have one gun that consistently shoots well at book max, the rest all shoot better somewhat below that to closer to starting load. I usually use the most accurate load even if it's slower.
My 280 shoots wonderful groups with RL19 and 140 gr...
My 783 is a shooter too. Stiff receiver, good trigger, magnum contour barrel, pillar bedded stocks. It's a good recipe for accuracy. Not much to look at, but pretty is as pretty does much of the time. Good luck on your hunt.
Once they get too loose, the brass is done. I don't think there's any prep work that will prolong pocket life. Generally, running milder loads will prolong brass the best. If you are running max or near max loads, accept shorter brass life. ... 72421.aspx
Midway has brass for both 26 and 28.
Nos 28 is in very slim supply from what I searched on several sites though. My 280 Rem pretty much requires hand loading also. Although finding factory rounds for it is actually easier now than it...
That looks like more than a good start. Love those featherweights.
I've only tested the TBT's in my gun once and had no idea where to start. I've struggled loading monos and bonded bullets before, so I used the load info card that came with bullets. RL19 seated to 3.270" OAL, a full...
There is a nice John Barsness write up of the 6.5-300 Weatherby in the 2018 Hodgdon manual. It also has a side bar article on the Weatherby riflfle used for testing. I can't recall if it was a Mark V or Vanguard, but it was some flavor of ultralight with a 26" barrel. Both the cartridge and...
Sounds like you're well on your way to having it sorted out. If for some reason the problem persists, there's no shame in using an old tried and true rifle and load. I've had to do that myself when one of the guns I wanted to hunt with wasn't cooperating. Bring both guns to the range next...
Working up loads for my new/used M700 in 270. Will either use 130 Fed Trophy bonded tips, 150 speer grand slams, or 140gr Sierra gamechangers. I've only tested the Trophies and got a very accurate load, but need to retest it in smaller increments to verify it's on a node.
Will carry a...
I've always thought that Sierra's quality control, both in their attention to jacket thickness and concentricity has contributed to highly accurate bullets. I was a Hornady fan long before ever using Noslers or Sierras, but have pretty much switched to shooting mostly Sierra's and Noslers. The...