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  1. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Thanks for the comments guys. I need to buy another box of factory rounds to take with the reloads I've got ready and see how it does. I think I'll shoot it for a bit before I make anymore changes. It does still have the military bottom metal, but I can't quite tell if the receiver bottoms...
  2. B

    30-06 pawn shop find.

    My M70 featherweight is a push feed like that. It was my first deer rifle and I still love it. You did real well on that buy I'd say. Mine shot OK in the pretty FWT stock, but the uneven barrel pressure from the stock caused POI shift as the barrel heated up. It now sits in a Bell and...
  3. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    I had to buy a bag of new brass to reload for it, as resized brass wouldn't fit the chamber. Factory new ammo works too, but I suspect it may be partially engaging the lands. I'll have to buy another box, black marker the bullet and see. I will have to trim the brass frequently as bolt closed...
  4. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    The Mauser is more or less done for now. I probably should have fully stripped the stock, but after ironing out some of the dings I just sanded a little and applied tung oil. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The chamber in addition to being a little tight has an abrupt throat, so I...
  5. B

    Tikka T3 Mossy oak!

    You had pretty good luck last year with Sierras in your 25-06. I'd try some of their varmint bullets in .264. It's been so long since I loaded for any .264 I couldn't tell you what they make them in anymore, but we always had good luck with Sierras.
  6. B

    26nosler m48 liberty/patriot

    First shot with a cold barrel looks perfect. My M70 featherweight did that as the barrel heated up. My stock pushed in from the left side, moving POI to the right like yours as the barrel heated up. I moved mine to a Bell and Carlson stock, problem solved. But yours is already in a B&C...
  7. B

    Lets start a new build project

    Sounds like a really nice build for your son. Keep us posted on it with a pic or two. He'll like that B&C stock. They aren't as nice as the upper end stocks, but are a big step up from most factory stocks. I like mine anyway.
  8. B

    Scope for Model 70 Featherweight?

    My 2-7 Leupold went on my new .22LR when it came back from customer service. I miss it on my fwt, but won't take it off the .22. I never felt under scoped with the 2-7 on my 280 fwt though. Plenty of power for range work and hunting. For the woods we hunt in a 100 yard shot is a long shot...
  9. B

    6.5 Creedmore

    Looks like a promising start. My 280 shoots Accubonds well at .050" off the lands, so maybe play with OAL a bit. Give us a review and pics of your Bergara at some point. They look like nice rifles at a good price.
  10. B

    Broken Voere stock - need suggestions

    You might be able to modify a Mauser 98 stock to fit, or as suggested get a replacement trigger with side safety (about $50-75 depending on trigger manufacturer). A quick check on ebay showed several used Mauser stocks under $100. You might also check with a few gunsmiths and see if they have...
  11. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Well, I got a bit more done on the Mauser. Touched up the bluing with some Brownells oxpho-blue. First time using it and it worked well I think. Got the old narrow swivels off only to discover the stud hole is smaller than current swivels, but I had a pair that are plastic with screws that...
  12. B

    "All around" 308 bullet?

    Blc2 was the most accurate in their test but it may not be in mine. Varget had better velocity at the expense of accuracy although I'm not sure it matters for hunting. Nosler and Sierra don't list a load as most accurate unless it has performed very well in many different guns. Their...
  13. B

    Reloading for 308 Mossberg Scout

    Welcome to the forum. The manuals differ as to how to approach military brass. Sierra says you only need to reduce your max load by .5-1.0 grain. Nosler says to start at minimum load and carefully work up. I use military brass in my Tikka 30-06. It is old LC Match brass, but it cleaned up...
  14. B

    Tikka T3 factory rings?

    Both of my Tikka T3's were purchased used and neither came with the factory Tikka rings that fit the milled groove in the receiver. On my 30-06 I need to move the scope forward a bit, but am out of room w/ standard Weaver bases and Burris rings. I just bought a set of Tikka rings cheap on...
  15. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Thanks for the info on the BNZ guns. In the little research I did, I knew they were late war made in Steyr by slave labor. It seems like a good quality receiver, just one of the bottom feed rails wasn't milled right. It probably never fed that second shot well or jammed. Perhaps that wasn't...
  16. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Thanks for the compliments on the gun. I like it. Ever since my brother has a Mauser Sporter I've wanted one. I got it as a project, but I like it well enough that all I intend to do is fix the problems and refinish the stock. I may bed the action as well. I like the Williams receiver sight...
  17. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Bought it at the local Cabela's and it was not stamped, so I got a good price on it. First project was casting the chamber. I was pretty sure it was a 30-06, but I couldn't get any of my resized brass to chamber. So I took it to a smith that confirmed it is a 30-06 with a fairly tight...
  18. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Well, after a couple hours with a file and fine sandpaper, I milled the rough side of the action down. It now feeds from both sides every time. I also installed a Timney trigger and Wolf 22# firing pin spring. The firing pin spring has made the bolt lift heavy, but some gunslick grease on the...
  19. B

    Tikka T3 Mossy oak!

    Those 6.5mm 140's are some Loong looking cruise missiles. They should work well. Good luck with those dogs.
  20. B

    Mauser feeding issues

    Sorry for the bad cell pic. The one side is milled fine, as compared to pics I've seen online. The other has excess metal like a small ramp still there. I'm guessing that when it was still an 8mm round, it might have been ok, but the extra length of the 06 is the problem. The extra metal...