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  1. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    On the 110/296.... Accurate 4100 and Ramshot Enforcer are every bit as good, as well as Accurate #9 in most applications. You can get some serious horsepower out of those in magnum handguns.
  2. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    I don't shoot much cast....I do occasionally buy the cheap Hornady 158 SWC bullets to load in the 357's for target shooting... and with those I put just enough Titegroup powder in them to get them out the muzzle, lol. Low recoil, low noise, economical.
  3. Ridgerunner665

    General process question-where to start?

    How precision are you wanting to be? I can load ammo that is great for 600 yard hunting and never even mess with seating depth, most of the time... it won't win a bench rest match, but it will be sub MOA. I'm not the precision ELR shooter some of these guys in here are (I'd like to be, but...
  4. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    As far as Elmer goes... he mentions some loads in his books, many of them bragging on Alliant 2400 powder. I remember them being mentioned in the books, but don't recall the powder charges... if you haven't read his books, doing so might give you something. They're very good books.
  5. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    Lyman or Lee are the most popular for cast bullets.
  6. Ridgerunner665

    2023 Burn Rate Chart

    Dang I hadn't heard about Norma powders no longer being imported...I only use MRP, which I know is RL22, but I did prefer to get it in the Norma jug, lol....had some bad experiences with RL22 years ago.
  7. Ridgerunner665


    Trolling for catfish on Watts Bar reservoir with the whole family... my oldest son there lives out of town these days, so we don't all get out like that much. We caught a few too...
  8. Ridgerunner665

    Shooting Bags/rests

    I have no complaints on my Bulls Bag... been using it for years...I'd buy another one in a heartbeat.
  9. Ridgerunner665

    Mossberg 590

    For things that fly through the air....a 500 might be better. I don't think anyone even makes a 28 inch barrel for a 590, the 590 is all tactical.... model 500 barrels won't fit them, the magazine end cap is different. You can change up the mag tubes and maybe interchange some of them, but...
  10. Ridgerunner665

    Scope mounts Rem 870 20 gauge

    Myself, unless it's a shotgun with a rifled barrel (which I've never owned) I don't think I'd want a scope or any kind of optic on a shotgun. I do like a good ghost ring sight setup though... works well enough for me at any range a Foster or Brenneke slug is useful for... and no batteries...
  11. Ridgerunner665

    Pondering My .338 Win Mag

    AR 10 types are really heavy and very awkward to carry on a sling because of the magazine and pistol grip stock. Any firearm for your intended use should, in my opinion, have an internal box or tube magazine and a normal type stock (a short stock can help). Lever actions, pumps, and "proven...
  12. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Yes, the Federal Flight Control and Hornady VersaTite wads (I've read they're the same wad) don't open up at the shot cup like traditional wads.... they flare out a little at the rear and decelerate a lot more slowly, keeping the shot in the cup for about 10 yards. There's a few slow motion...
  13. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    If Remington still made the RP12 wad I could come up with a good tight patterning load... but they stopped making that wad... I'm looking at other options from BPI.
  14. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    I'm still on the fence on the #2 birdshot...I believe it would be fine... but it does spread a bit from the cylinder bore. Tried some #4 buckshot yesterday that patterns pretty tight... it was the Federal hunting load...27 pellets, buffered, 1,325 fps patterns right there with...
  15. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Myself, I keep it loaded with #1 buckshot... but there are 5 slugs in the side saddle, in case the bad guy takes cover behind the refrigerator or something.
  16. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Went and finished up Christmas shopping today, we were at Bass Pro getting some M&P 15-22 magazines for my son when my wife put a Magpul stock and fore end for the 590 in the buggy....with a sweet smile and a firm "not till Christmas". She saw me looking at them last time we were there...
  17. Ridgerunner665

    #2 lead bird shot for home defense

    Yep.... brand new load just released.
  18. Ridgerunner665

    #2 lead bird shot for home defense

    I've shot a number of different loads since getting the 590, and the only thing that patterns better than a buffered load of #1 buckshot is the Flight Control and VersaTite stuff. 2nd best has been the Winchester Rooster XR stuff...buffered load of #5 at 1,300 fps (1.5 oz).... those are 3 inch...
  19. Ridgerunner665

    #2 lead bird shot for home defense

    I've read that too, cannot remember where, it was years ago that I read it. It makes perfect sense, they just fit in the shell, and down the barrel, better.
  20. Ridgerunner665

    #2 lead bird shot for home defense

    I like #1 buck too, better than 00, I hope Hornady picks up where Federal dropped the ball and adds a #1 load to their 12 gauge VersaTite line. Federal dropped their #1 load from the Flite Control loads a while back.