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  1. H

    My first bull elk

    Nice going, glad ya tagged out and great looking Bull as well! That rite there is some good stuff and happy for YA! Beautiful area and sounds like you had some great guide's which can make or break a hunt!
  2. H

    6.5x55 Swede loads

    yea he is probably so low on bullets he can't even work up a load! :lol:
  3. H

    Talley Lightweight height questions...Nosler M48 specific

    That rifle needs something sexy for that fine Optik :lol: Near Manufacturing Alpha mount :mrgreen: Expensive but worth the price!
  4. H

    .338 Jarrett satisfaction.

    Both of those rifles are for sure dialed in and ready to hunt! Way to go guys!! You too FOTIS your IT skills are second to none! :)
  5. H

    Scope for Nosler .35 Whelen

    Really nice pick up X2 !! The old Gold ring really does a rifle rite! It looks all business with the dark stock and blued barrel! That should make a few critters around your parts really nervous !
  6. H

    Winchester Model 88 Recoil Lug

    Great article RJ as I have a model 100 in 243 and it is a White Tail Monster! I like the 88 but Uncle Arthur has kept me from getting 1 as after 32 years turning wrenches has done my right hand no favors! If it does not cycle like butter I will not get it!
  7. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    Charlie I hate to admit it but I own around 6 and use them frequently but it all depends on the application and what gets messed up by not using them! I installed a oil drain valve on most of my oil pans on my vehicles so I would not have to buy washers and constantly torque drain plugs! They...
  8. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    I have used the finger nail polish on old Redfield rings back when I was a kid and it worked great! Most of my teenage years was using 22 LR HP :) 1 shot 1 kill :) $$$$
  9. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    Bob that would depend on what rifle you are torquing as they are all different but all require small inch Lb torque values do to the size of the fastner! Too much torque can be as bad as too little as you are stretching the fastner and compromising it's ability to clamp by stretching it's body...
  10. H

    Nolser M48 at Cabelas

    Here is 1 actually NIB for sale! ... =441373995
  11. H

    WY Elk?

    While you are waiting to draw for Wyoming or Colorado they have OTC tags for Elk in Colorado if you can handle the altitude and I know of a lotta people doing OTC in Colorado and it's not a hard DIY hunt unless ya make it! Read down near bottom of the page on OTC tags! :mrgreen...
  12. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    Purple also works for me but blue is as good if not better and I have used red but I use it sparingly and never have had a problem removing fasteners! Took a scope off recently that I had used red on the scope bases and they broke free with no problem and had been on the action for a long time...
  13. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    People using wrong type of loctite/ thread locker and using too much will cause expensive gunsmith bill ! Just my 2 cents, as Weatherby gunsmith told me they use it but only 1 small drop on each screw it helps to also have the proper fitting bladed screwdriver head to remove screws!
  14. H

    Do you Loctite action screws?

    I use it on my rifles and use manufacturer recommend torque procedures! I have had action screws come loose and not a good feeling and can be expensive wasting ammo!
  15. H

    My Elephant Gun

    WOW ! I feel under gunned and vulnerable and congrats on that CZ 404 Jeffery! This is the kinda thread that gets those Benjamin's flowing really quick but The Dark Continent is about the only place I may be actually vulnerable in but you guys sure have some pretty Thumpers!! Now it's time for...
  16. H

    B&C New World Record

    Guy I have been digging around trying to find out what he shot this goat with but can't find much of anything other than he is a Trophy goat hunter! That goat I saw in Colorado was by himself and I am sure on private property as he was acting like a NM goat as they know where the have no...
  17. H

    Slope Doper This will do same thing and more? Plus it does not need a cell phone signal to work! Most people are running Cosine Indicators with levels on them and they are stupid expensive but makes incline and decline measurements pretty fast! I say...
  18. H

    B&C New World Record

    Hey if ya got time give me a shout! It's cooling down here and even been raining and supposed to be a little more incoming! Light coat in am is about all we are dealing with but traveling in NM you learn fast to have a reliable vehicle as walking in rural NM can be bad for your health! My area...
  19. H

    B&C New World Record

    Guy it was huge and not sure how it would have measured but it was much healthier looking than this B&C goat! Socorro County in Southern NM is noted for large goats as well !