I'm a fan too.
I bought my Ruger #1V with the bull barrel chambered in 25-06 in 2002. Great combo and amazingly accurate.
I like Retumbo with the Nosler 115 Ballistic Tips and H48331 with bullets 90 grains and lighter.
I recommended a 527 to a buddy of mine. Everyone called him Buddy, a good ole boy from Georgia. He loved to shoot it at his PA farm off his back deck with his sons. He had lots of ground hogs as targets. I was the ammo guy. Buddy died this past summer and his 527 went to his oldest son...
About 10 years ago I bought a Rem 700 Light Varmint Stainless Fluted (LVSF) in 221 Fireball. I wanted a robust small-powder-capacity case and the Fireball bubbled to the top over things like the Hornet and other cartridges. I ended up re-forming 221 brass from 223 military brass. During load...
I got the Forster equivalent for Christmas. Very quickly discovered that I load good quality ammo with very little runout. Now I'm trying to apply it to brass processing to correct any potential causes of runout and am finding culling brass (neck wall thickness variations) pays dividends. I...
We had a degree today! It's been cold with lots of snow on the ground here in Upstate NY. I'm in the same situation. Been doing brass prep by the boatloads. Got my driveway plowed (no small feat, it's .45 miles long) and the wood caddies are full of wood ... all by 10:30. More brass to do...
Disassemble the Lee die and look at the seater cup (the part that contacts the bullet) and make sure a bullet will engage the edge of the cup and not bottom out on the cup.
You are handloader number 1,738,256 to learn that measuring OAL from the bullet tip does not provide an accurate measure of the cartridge overall length. Use something like this http://www.midwayusa.com/viewproduct/?p ... ber=746974 and measure OAL from the ogive of the bullet and not the tip...
I don't load the Hornet but I do load the Fireball. I have used LilGun with good success but it is not a forgiving powder. For what you are doing don't make 1 grain step increments, 0.2 grain increments would be a lot better. Just make up batches of 3-5 rounds at a time and try them. Look...
bobbyrum - what specifically did you like about H870? Does is burn clean? I had an opportunity to pick up 3 pounds recently and didn't because I had no history of use with it. I favor Retumbo for my 7mm RM.
You can use the .223" Hornet bullets as trading material. There are still lots of guys out there who seek out that specific bullet. Just make it known that you have them for trade or sale.