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  1. F

    .223 caliber bullets, can I use them in a 223 Rem

    The Hornet bullets are of lighter construction than bullets intended for use in the 223 Remington. A .001" reduction in diameter doesn't sound like a lot but it will impact how the bullet obturates to fill the barrel when fired. It may be of too light construction to hold together but might...
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    H1000 for 7mm rem mag or reloader 25

    Retumbo worked better for me than H1000.
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    Sure - My 7mm has a fast twist barrel, 1:7 I believe. I've had lead bullets fly apart and never reach a target placed 50 yards down range. The bullets were 175 grain lead bullets and the load I shot was developed for a Speer Grand Slam of the same weight. I've had the same thing happen in my...
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    Others kind of touched on this but no one elaborated on it .... all bullets are not created equal. Load data for premium bullets that are designed to hold up under "extreme" velocities can not be substituted for lesser integrity bullets of the same weight. Vise versa, load data for "standard"...
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    Is anyone using Retumbo.

    Retumbo is my favorite powder for my 7mm Rem Mag and my 25-06. I also used it for my 300 Win Mag when I owned one. It is the most accurate powder I've found in the aforementioned cartridges.
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    new rifle.

    Been off line for about a week, hard drive died and computer wouldn't boot up. Had to replace the one that gave me 7 years of good service. The new one is lightning fast. :) The fluted barrel keeps the gun pretty cool. I can shoot in rapid succession and not get too hot. I would not...
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    new rifle.

    Nice gun. I bought a Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington over the summer. This is it. If yours is as good a shooter as mine you won't be able to stop smiling.
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    Results from the 130 gr A/B out of my 270 win

    Yes, congratulations, we want pictures.
  9. F

    Powder choices

    I don't post much on the Nosler forum but I'll chime in on this because I'm a 221 Fireball fan. Like Charlie I used a lot of IMR 4198 but switched to Reloader #7 and I've used LilGun too. I stayed with Re #7 because it burns very clean and accuracy is superb, it's the best of all the powders I...
  10. F

    45-70 loads????????????

    I have a Marlin Guide Gun with the 18.5" ported barrel. One of my favorite loads is this: 4.3cc Lee Dipper Cup (near 60 grains) of H-4895 powder CCI 200 primer Hornady 350 grain Round Nose bullet seated to SAMMI length. I use a Redding Taper Crimp Die (much better than any other crimp die...
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    Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tips in 223 Rem

    I was thinking even heavier than 60 grains, maybe 68 grains. Good success at this end too switching between orange and green tipped bullets.
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    Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tips in 223 Rem

    Well I put some time in at the range this morning working on some loads using H4895 powder and the Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tip. Best I could do this morning was about 3/4 inch groups shooting into an irregular head wind but I did it several times. Just as a sanity check I shot some more of...
  13. F

    Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tips in 223 Rem

    W748 was the first powder I tried because lots of folks were stating it is "the" powder for the 223. I had zero success with it no matter what I did. Groups were in excess of 3 inches. People have success with it, I didn't. For those recommending H4895 ... thanks for the info, is it suitable...
  14. F

    Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tips in 223 Rem

    I hadn't considered H4895. Win 748, BL-C(2), Reloader 10x, and Varget are the powders I've tried so far. Varget has been the most accurate of the lot. I have a pound of 4895 so I'll give it a go.
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    Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tips in 223 Rem

    I'm not getting the results I hoped for using the 55 grain Ballistic TiP in my 223. My gun is a Kimber Longmaster Classic with a 1:9 twist. Great results with the 40 grain Ballistic Tip and 40 grain Sierra BlitzKing's but the 55 grainers are not cooperating. Anyone use these bullets with...
  16. F

    Kimber or Sako

    I picked up a Kimber Longmaster Classic about 2 monts ago. It is a super gun and very accurate. Granted, it's not the 300 Win Mag (mine is a 223), but I've not encountered a problem and the craftsmanship is first rate.
  17. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    I've shot my Fireball quite a bit since my last post talking about an IMR 4198 load outting. I've since switched to RE#7 myself. It worked so well I bought 5 pounds of it. Either the 40 grain Sierra BlitzKing or the Nosler Ballistic Tip works well. I can buy the Ballistic Tips in bulk so I...
  18. F

    Is the shooter the problem?

    I recently did some experimenting with my Ruger #1V 25-06. I loaded 10 rounds each of the same bullet to the same seating depth with 4 different powders. I wanted to see how much of a difference in accuracy I would get jsut by using different powders. The groups ranged from 5" to one ragged...
  19. F

    Sako 85 Varmint

    Nice rig bud........if it shoots as good as it looks you have a keeper.
  20. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    Congratulations.....we want to see some targets.