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  1. F

    Varget in my 223 - Kimber Longmaster Classic

    Here's a better pic of the Kimber. The range outting was a huge success, dead calm, 50 degrees and sunny. I came home and loaded 150 more rounds using 1.9cc Lee Dipper Cup of Varget (19 grains), CCI 400 primer, Nosler 55 grain Ballistic Tip. I can't wait to try this on a critter.
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    Sako 85 Varmint

    Canuck This is my new Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington To post a picture you have to open an account with an on-line service like Photobucket's free. Upload your photo and copy the URL and paste it in your post. Where you see a picture in this...
  3. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    I was at the range today myself. I took my new 223 and my Fireball. It was dead calm and about 50 degrees. My Fireball load was 1.3cc Lee Dipper Cup (right at 19 grains) of IMR 4198, Remington 7 1/2 BR primer, Sierra 40 grain BlitzKing bullets. The brass was FL sized (it's the only sizing...
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    Varget in my 223 - Kimber Longmaster Classic

    Yes, I will be back at the range again today (Mother's Day). My wife decided she wanted to go visit her mother, good for her, so I have the day to putz.
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    Varget in my 223 - Kimber Longmaster Classic

    Well I finally received my dies and scope mounts and rings. This is what it looks like with the Redfield 3-10X50mm scope, Leupold mounts and x-high rings. Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington - 24" flutted heavy barrel. I bore sighted it and took it to the range with 20 handloads to...
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    Twist rate question

    Are you sure the twist is 1:12? A 300 will usually have a 1:10 twist as the cartridge is well suited for longer heavy bullets. With a 1:10 twist you can go all the way to 220 grain bullets.
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    243 winchester

    That should be a good powder for you. When I had my 243 one of the best performing powders with 100 grain bullets was H4831, very similar to IMR 4831.
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    Tikka 7mm -08

    A couple of things: I assume you are not using a crimp on your handloads. A taper crimp, even a mild one, will help the pressure build and an increase in velocity (and sometimes accuracy) will result. In lieu of crimping, since pressure=velocity=pressure and you are at the low end of the...
  9. F

    which powder for the 223?

    Good thread......I have a new 223 and my first loads will be with 55 grain Ballistic Tip bullets and Varget powder. I'm hoping it is an accurate powder in the 223 because I use it for my 45-70 with great results. It will give me a good dual-use excuse to buy a keg if it turns out to be an...
  10. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    I know how that goes. I got a new gun over a month ago and just got the scope mounted last night and bore sighted it this afternoon. I also loaded up 20 rounds to take to the range and dial it in. Now I just have to get to the range and dial it in, probably this weekend.
  11. F

    Is the shooter the problem?

    old #7 makes a good point with the ladder test. I've used it several times on load development for several different guns and it works. You do need the distance to sort out the data and my findings have been the best performance is almost always near the top end of the load range. Some...
  12. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    How did you do?
  13. F

    Is the shooter the problem?

    Before you make any changes try this. When the gun is on the rest snug it up to your shoulder nice and tight AND grab the forearm of the gun and hold it tightly with slight downward pressure onto the rest. It looks to me like you are relying on the gun sitting on the rest to be a secure setup...
  14. F

    Sako 85 Varmint

    Congrats on the purchase of a fine gun - I was looking at those myself but went a little different route. I picked up a Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington with the matte black action and the stainless flutted barre.. I wanted a small caliber and got a good deal on a really nice gun...
  15. F

    Matching the bullet with the cartridge

    It's not just the cartridge it's the load too but here are my favorites. Rem 700 VSF in 221 Fireball - 40 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip or Sierra BlitzKing Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington - 55 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip CS 550 Full Stock in 243 Winchester - 70 grain Speer TNT, 85...
  16. F

    Retumbo and it's uses

    WOW - a thread where I find I agree with everything posted. I'm a big fan of Retumbo. I first used it in my 300 Win Mag, then my 7mm Rem Mag, and then about 4 years ago in my 25-06. It worked great across the board. I no longer own the 300, that helps preserve the stock of Retumbo I have...
  17. F

    What to do now

    So throw away all your data sheets and start anew. :) I just got a new rifle so I'm not quite in the same boat. It's fun experimenting but its also rewarding knowing you have the best load you can get. One thing I did just for giggles was develop multiple loads for the same gun (one light...
  18. F

    .223 VS .223 Neck Sizing....

    Even with minimum powder charges the brass will fire-form to your guns chamber and "shrink" a small amount once fired but it will not go back to its original size. It sounds like coincidence that the two guns have nearly identical chambers. Fired brass from his gun fits in yours but there is...
  19. F

    .221 Fireball load data

    Charlie - NY I take it from your moniker you are a New Yorker. Where abouts? I'm in Owego (not Oswego) in the Southern Tier, two thirds across PA and 16 miles over the PA/NY border. I frequent the Tioga County Shooters Association range.
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    .221 Fireball load data

    I don't post a lot on this forum but I will jump in on this thread. I picked up my Fireball about a year and a half ago, Rem 700 Light Varmint Stainless Fluted, but changed out the synthetic stock for a Boyd's Thumbhole Laminate. The flimsy synthetic stock couldn't hold point of aim but the...