Fired my Christensen arms mesa today for the first time. Factory nosler loads saw pressure spikes. Elevation was 1400 temp was 28 Fahrenheit. Accuracy was there but the shiny spots concern me.
After 27 years of being in Washington state it finally happened. 260 yard shot 338 rum 250 grain nosler accubond 96.8 of retumbo with fed gm 215 primers. My first bear by myself. I got to my spot at 530 pm was hot as I sat in the shade. At 6 pm he strolled through the berries and gave me my...
Picked up a browning bar mk 3 left hand in 300 win mag. Mostly when I go into thicker country and most of my bolts are built for long range open country. Looking for pointers and experience with semiautomatic rifles. Not sure if my hand loads are feasible but picked up two boxes of federal...