I just recently returned from visiting a friend in Colorado who had bought the rifle above - it's an old rifle of 104 years with 26" barrel. It seems in pretty good condition & nothing nasty in the barrel. However, we tried various different loads with two propellants H322 & H4895 (They seemed...
Hi folks, if anyone is kind enough to help, I'd like QL details on the following please:
Vihtavouri N560 & 110gn Nosler Accubond bullet. 22" Barrel
Currently I load 51.2-52gns Viht N560 & MV a bit down on where I think it could be - it's accurate, but I think maybe a bit more MV is...
So in 2 weeks it's the 8-th Anniversary of the D-Day landings when so many gave their lives to free Europe. A lot has begun to happen in Normandy now & I know it will be packed there with many American's, British, French, German and other nationalities. I have friends there very near Utah Beach...
Well, in a mad moment, I thought about tidying & organising it a bit better - but then realised I'd forget where I'd put everything if I moved stuff :ROFLMAO:
... out of favour with modern day shooter? :shock:
Is that so,
or is it just that for smaller calibre rifles, .243, .257, .264 so few choices are available.
In 6.5/.264 cal. I can only find 160gn RN bullets. Nothing in 120, 130 or 140gn range in .243 very little choice & .257 nothing at all...
Yesterday With a good friend we chrono’d his ammunition - 6.5x55SE.
His loads are very accurate, around 3/4” @ 100yds, so consistently pretty fair.
Set chrono up & shoot five rounds with avg. MV established at 2788fps.
Then another five rounds shot, and average fps similar resulting in the...
Ho hum, I haven’t seen it yet as it just arrived at my dealers store yesterday, but I just bought what looks like a real nice Steyr Mannlicher Classic stutzen in 6.5x55 SE (Swede).
Looks like this smoothie has been really well maintained and I understand it’s from the early 2000’s era...
The verdict is the barrel is well & truly knackered.
The cost to have a new correctly profiled MSch.6.5 x 54 Kreiger chrome moly & blued replacement £1250-£1500.
The down side?
I'd lose the proof date stamp of .22 (1922) and matching serial number. (I'll have photographs of course)
Keeping the...
Ordered my LE Wilson bullet seating die some weeks ago & have a Harrell press since making the decision to try this method of bullet seating to see if I can achieve CONSISTENTLY low run out when bullet seating.
The die arrived today. Nice looking piece of kit. I've set it up on my made up...
Le Mans 24hr endurance race starting @ 15.00hrs local time France.
Stunning event with some 66 cars starting.
24hours of solid racing action at speeds well over 230 mph on the Mulsanne.
Just in case there are a few enthusiasts for these rifles out there, Michael Miedler now builds new Mannlicher-Schönauer versions with new machined action parts that appear to be identical to the old Mannlicher-Schönauer ones.
He's also able to supply...
Plenty of police action around the UK yesterday afternoon through the night & today after an islamic attack using a car and knife on the public and killing a policeman while attempting to enter our Westminster Palace Parliament in London, England.
The terrorist was shot dead.
Now police are...
I've used my old Rockchukker for many years & there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it...but, I have a bit of an itch.
I keep thinking I should buy a Forster Co-ax!
Should I?
What might I gain?
Is it really going to be any better?
Produce better ammunition?
If it's so good, I can...