Search results

  1. C

    Which reloading dies to buy?

    Bluegrass, I have more dies than a guy should, from 1950's Lyman and RCBS to the Redding S Bushing dies. First: The bushing dies are expensive, about 80$ plus 12$ for each bushing, 20$ for the nitrate coated bushings. The Redding 3 die set (FL, Neck, and Seater) is about 60$. The bushing...
  2. C


    I would be interested in a .277 150 gr Accubond. Casey
  3. C

    Really Old Noslers

    Send them old worn out bullets to me :P Casey
  4. C

    dimensions lockups

    Dale, 150gr Partitions, w/ H4831 or RL22. 2850-2900fps. Or 140 gr Barnes TSX. With either bullet you can take any shot presented. I've killed lots and lots of elk with 150gr Partitions in 270's. Although the Barnes bullets penetrate like crazy I still like the Partitions for two reasons...
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    bonded partitions

    Secondary projectiles? Exploding tips? Better yet, how about poison tipped bullets? Meanwhile back at the ranch... Although I have killed/witnessed 35-40 elk killed with Partitions, I would like to see the front half NOT "wipe off" quite as quickly. Yes, I know what Nosler's reasoning is for...
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    magnum primers vs. large rifle primers

    Lonestar, Well, you're correct--what's worse I DO read ALL of the manuals. :) But I intended my comment to mean in the context of discussions of the relative pros/cons of regular vs magnum primers...Besides, my early Speer manuals, beginning with manual #1- lists 59gr to 58gr of IMR 4831...
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    magnum primers vs. large rifle primers

    Keep in mind, "non-magnum" cartridges such as the 270W operates at higher max pressure (65,000 psi) than any of the belted Winchesters (64,000 psi). The belted Remingtons are even lower. But we never hear the magnum primer recommendation for 270W or the 6mm Rem (also at 65,000 psi). The...
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    Tempreature sensativaty for Reloader 22

    I worked up a load for one of my 270's last summer with RL22. Better velocity, and equal accuracy compared to H4831. After reading about temp sensitivity in some of the RL powders, I took the load out (after leaving the rifle and ammo in the pickup all night) during the winter in approximatley...
  9. C

    Question on 'neck sizing only'.

    Everything that LoneStar and RiverOtter said. And... go here to a good article on PFLR (Partial Full Length Resizing). Casey
  10. C

    Nosler Brass Quality?

    Jaywalker, Did you resize the necks before measuring them? I have found that there are often dents in the neck walls that are difficult to see--until I mic them. Casey
  11. C

    reloading press and die concentricity

    Excellent post Mat! Let me add some more (and probably add confusion). Concentricity--and concentricity gauges. The perfect tool perfectly designed to drive reloading nuts--NUTS! I have two of 'em, this way I can double my agony--er, pleasure. One is the old style Sinclair V-block and the...
  12. C

    Which Partition for 270 Win for Elk

    I always read with a "critical eye" claims about numbers or critters killed and the size of the latest three shot groups. But I'll stick my own neck out anyway... According to my notes, I've killed 27 elk with a 270. I've also shot elk with my 338-06, 30-06AI, 30-06, 7mmRM, 284W, and in the...
  13. C

    Older Nosler reloading manuals.

    E-Bay. Just recently, Speer manuals 1-10 sold as a lot for about $250. I have all but Speer #1, so it was real hard to justify $250 for one reloading manual (but I thought about it :) ). Casey
  14. C

    Nosler Ballistic Tip

    I would strongly suggest, whenever a person loads for a particular manufacturers bullet, he should also "invest" in that particular manufacturers reloading manual--it's just common sense. Casey
  15. C

    Partition Gold

    Aha! Another internet rumor squelched. Thanks, Casey
  16. C

    Partition Gold

    Nosler, I just read a vicious rumor that Nosler was no longer producing Partition Golds. Any truth to this???? Thanks, Casey
  17. C

    Load data for the 270?????

    Dustygriley, I have shot lots and lots of Ballistic Tips and Partitions in lots and lots of Rem 700's in a half dozen 270W's. And Nosler Ballistic Tips in my 270/280/06's have universally been the most accurate, and the fastest through my chronographs. All three holes touching at 150 yds is...
  18. C


    Is Nosler producing Accubonds in 243/6mm yet? If not, how about some 100 gr Accubonds in 243? Casey