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  1. T

    Quickload request, 175gr sub-x

    300blk, COAL 2.080, 175gr Hprnady Sub-x, 11.5gr H110 starting load, cci small rifle primers. Hoping to double check expected velocity in 10.5" Encore pistol. Thanks in advance for all the help so far!
  2. T

    Quickload check- 300blk 175gr SubX

    300blk, COAL 2.080, 175gr Hprnady Sub-x, 11.5gr H110 starting load, cci small rifle primers. Hoping to double check expected velocity in 10.5" Encore pistol. Thanks in advance for all the help so far!
  3. T

    Quick Load Request* 30 Carbine

    Got another experiment hitting the bench and wanted to check for safety. Reloading 30's the catch...110gr TTSX Barnes is my projectile. I have a new barrel on the Encore and it does chamber and extract. I also shot varmagetton with great results with the longer COAL...
  4. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    Well, that worked. Thanks for the information prior to!
  5. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    Great to know. Looks like I have some room to work up.
  6. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    COAL 1.940, 13GR H110. 110gr Varmageddon. All chamber and extract. Might end up being too much for not enough to gain but worth the experiment.
  7. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    Great info man, thanks for the data. Haus of Arms Barrels sent up a 1 in 7 twist in a 30 Carbine barrel which kind of explains the rabbit hole I'm in. SAMI puts the .30 at 40k cup so I'll work up and watch for signs.
  8. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    Should clarify, starting at the low end of listed load data, wouldn't be going subsonic.
  9. T

    Loading the 7x57 round. What is the potential

    All good info. I've held 7x57 pretty close being that it is the cartridge I first started reloading. I did figure out that the downloads for the 1916 Spanish needed a little more gas when I put them in the No. 1. That 150-175 in the number 1 will fill the freezer with no questions asked...
  10. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    I looked at the bearing surface on the Varmageddon bullets and could set the seating depth to the same as a 110 fmj but the COAL would add .261 to the new load. Ogive is almost dead on a 110fmj
  11. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    90 to 110. There is some listed data for 130s but it's rare.
  12. T

    .308 110gr varmageddon bullets in Single Shot 30 Carbine

    Good evening gents, I was able to find a box of 110gr Varmageddon bullets in .308 Dia just days before receiving my new to me TC Encore with a 16.25 inch 30 Carbine barrel. This bullet has been found to be too long for magazines in the M1 but with a break action, the ogive and tip should be...
  13. T

    Nosler reload data over Sierra Bullets

    Hey Paul, I am shooting a 1916 Spanish Mauser which has gone through some sporterizing. Right off the bat, my bullet weights need to be in the 170s. Anything in the 140s gets me about a 16 inch group at 100yds. I shrunk my groups a bit by removing top wood and placing a scout style optic on...
  14. T

    Nosler reload data over Sierra Bullets

    Thanks for the reply. Currently I have Ramshot Hunter, BLC2, H110 and IMR 4223. Trying to be conservative since it is a Spanish mauser.
  15. T

    .30 carbine pressure numbers needed

    If you have access to check pressure for the cast 115gr above using 13.5gr of H110, that would be really my only out before scraping the few rounds I have built thus far.
  16. T

    .30 carbine pressure numbers needed

    The GI load with H110 Jacketed has a max of 14.9gr and a few of the cast 110gr have 13-14 of the same. The bigger issue seems to be the issues in underloading h110 which I have taken a head first dive into today. The bullet is a commercial cast 115gr .308 offered by dillon which I wouldn't be...
  17. T

    .30 carbine pressure numbers needed

    Hey Jim, thanks for the numbers. After seeing them, I'm sure glad I didn't bump this up to 14 or more grains of H110. Lead seems to be kind of an oddity in these guns when putting 110 behind them.
  18. T

    .30 carbine pressure numbers needed

    Morning gents, doing a quick safety check of my work. Loaded up for the .30 Carbine for the first time using 13.5gr H110 under a dillon cast 115gr with a COAL of 1.677. Reason for the quick check is this is going into the old carbine and wanted all my data before hitting the range. This load...
  19. T

    Nosler reload data over Sierra Bullets

    Thank you for the info Guy. Will make sure to put this info into what I am now calling my Novel of Notes.