Search results

  1. M

    Wanted 7mm wby Mag brass

    OOps... No gots that....
  2. M

    Wanted 7mm wby Mag brass

    I think I got you covered, let me do a count, and I will follow up... Later...
  3. M

    270 RCM?

    6.5 RCM and a 358 RCM These are the two I would like to see in my future...
  4. M

    35 caliber accubond

    I am sorry; I guess I should not have used the word conversion... Should have said replaced. The ballistic version is no longer available for the .358 caliber. I know the acubond is bonded core technology; my question is why was it necessary to change over on that particular caliber? The...
  5. M

    35 caliber accubond

    Not to hyjack your thread, but why did they convert the ballistic tip to an accubond any how? I would have thought the jacket would have been fine for most hunting.