110 257 AB IMPACT!


Mar 10, 2006
Impact velocity was 3148fps (I know this because the deer was the same disatance that I set up my chrony :lol: )
No exit. DRT

Congratulations on your buck.
Dig out that bullet and post a picture of it for us. :grin:

Please dig it out and send pics...have never yet had that bullet in that caliber stay in a deer.
I was just assuming it came apart??????? I'll do some diggin and see if it's in there.
Chet I was kind of thinking it looked a lot like the exit wound. It wouldn't be the first time... yea yea yea it was facing the other way. I've probably said it a dozen times. It just isn't necessary information to think of when taking the shot. Could be the reason it doesn't stick in the gray matter at times. If that's going in, that's not good. Something happen here.

What it looks like to me is the bullet hit the neck and took a bit of the bone with it out the other side.

Chet you didn't shoot him beside your chroney now did you. That would just be wrong. LOL

I'm curious to see what you've got after you get the hide off and you see what happened. From what I can see the neck is definitely broke by the way the neck drops right there and not kind of bowed a bit. At least that's what I'm seeing from the photo.
I skinned him down to the wound, and cut his head off at that point. I did not notice any shattered vertebrae, however the head "twisted" off easier than most. I'll disect tonight and report in the morning.
That is pretty awesome. I am pretty curios to see what happened to that bullet. 3100 at point blank is pretty tough on the bullet since it probably hasn't stabilized just yet. I have seen some 16ga Slugs pulled from deer necks where the cardboard wad is still attached to the slug. Those close quarter shots are pretty amazing things sometimes. Scotty
chet":1tdmzf8p said:
I skinned him down to the wound, and cut his head off at that point. I did not notice any shattered vertebrae, however the head "twisted" off easier than most. I'll disect tonight and report in the morning.
Sounds like you hit bone. I think you will find the bullet in the neck roast.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to dig out the bullet for us. CSI Nosler. :grin:

chet said:
Impact velocity was 3148fps (I know this because the deer was the same disatance that I set up my chrony :lol: )
No exit. DRT

Looks like some more overkill ending up in the freezer to me! :mrgreen:
Sorry boys, I lied. The majority of the bullet exited. See the small yellow circle. Came out just below his right jaw bone, small hole, didn't even disrupt his hair. I could not see the hole from the exterior. The bullet Smashed a vertebrae (see large green circle), traveled through the esophagus, and exited the deer. Found a small chunk of lead (looks about 20 grains) just outside the esophagus, (see middle pic). This is one BAD A$$ BULLET!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I can't figure out is why there wasn't any blood out the exit hole.


chet jr:
Awesome picture and a great looking young man. You can not ask for a happier face than that one. Good job DAD! & son!
The necropsy is one of favourite parts of skinning and cleaning my game. Great pictures. Now tell the truth, who shot the deer?
Bled out the path of least resistance,,,,through the esophagus into the lungs, is my guess without seeing it in person.
Thanks 6mm, I think he's hooked! Glad we had a downpour to cover our sound, we tracked him for quite a ways. I'm amazed we got so close!!!

onesonek, makes sense!

mike, that's a 10/22 on his back (he thinks the 270 rounds look really cool on his sling) and there's no doubt he coulda popped that buck in the back of the head if I'd let him :lol: He's only 8, his time will come! 8)
But I also suspect chet, there wasn't alot of post impact bleeding. What blood (not much) was in the arteries there in the neck, could just absorb into the meat, what didnt drain down the esophagus. After spine hits like that, things shut down pretty quick, if not immediately. The heart likely didnt get another beat in at the hit, leaving the bulk of the blood in the circulatory system.


That is nevertheless a great picture. You are to be congratulated for taking your son with you and giving him opportunity to handle a rifle.