17HMR - Rimfire Optic


Jan 26, 2012
So this weekend I had my father in law out to the range. (I came back without holes, so this is a good thing.)

But, in between rounds with some center fires, I was running my 17HMR. I forgot just how fun that little round is.

Anyone have suggestions or scopes they liked on their 17HMR? I have a little Savage 93? with a packaged pine ridge scope from cabelas. The scope is a solid "meh" and I'd like something a bit clearer, brighter and less.. well.. crappy. 90% of this will be a range toy, the other 10% would be for a rare bunny/gopher hunt.


The Leupold rimfire scopes would provide you with a good scope for your 17HMR. The FX1 4X28 would give you all the power you need, and it is a great scope. If you believe you need more power, you can step[ up to the VX1 2-7X28 or the VXII 3-9X33. There is good value in these scopes. Personally, I'd go with the fixed power, which is what I've done on each of the rimfire rifles I've owned.
I agree with DrMike. I have an older Leupold VX2 2-7x28 scope on my Model 93 Savage. Mine is the .22WMF but the use is the same basic setup. That rifle will shoot sob-MOA groups to 100 yards, you may as well help it do that.
My son seems happy with the 3-9x Leupold I put on his .17 HMR CZ rifle.
I run a Nikon Buckmasters 4x16 40mm obj with side focus. It has a fine crosshair with a target dot. I have it on a Ruger77/17HMR and use it for sagerats - I like to look'em in the eye when I pop them! The scope works great for plinking on four power and scanning the squirrel fields and when I locate one I dial it up and spank 'em. The scope lets me work out to 150-175 yards.

FWIW, I have Vari-X II 4;12x40mm w/ AO on a Remington M541T-HB 22 rim fire. This set up works great and crystal clear for night time pest control.

Thanks for the suggestions all, looks like a trip out to a few local optics mongers this weekend to handle some of the suggestions here!