180 Accubond at 820 yards!!

Wow--That's nice shooting. He's definatedly a long range guru. The bullet mushroom and penetration speaks for itself.I just love the 300wm and nosler.
GB300wm":3ek20zd9 said:
Wow--That's nice shooting. He's definatedly a long range guru. The bullet mushroom and penetration speaks for itself.I just love the 300wm and nosler.

A good shot? Yes. A responsible shot? No. If that elk had taken one step he would have clipped it in the guts. With a wounded animal a near 1/2 mile away he would have been hard pressed to find it. He is a great marksman, but a poor hunter in my opinion. I don't offer that opinion as coming from envy because I know I could not pull off such a shot anyway, I feel he should not have attempted such a feat with a live animal-a paper target, fine, but not a live animal as the margin for error is too great and we hunters owe far too much to the game to treat it in such an irresponsible way. Bullet performance was excellent!
Excellent bullet performance! One of the things I like about the AccuBond is how quickly/easily it will open up. That's a great example showing you aren't likely to ever have to worry about an AccuBond not opening due to low impact velocity.