222 Remington - IMR 4198 + 40 grainer


Jun 1, 2012
Do you Guys have a super tested load for the Triple Deuce with IMR4198 powder behind a 40 grs. varmint bullet (Nosler BT or Sierra Blitzking) ?

What kind of velocity should I expect off a 20" barrel ?

With Ballistic Tips 50 grs. I am pushing 20,5 grains at around 3050 fps.

Thanks a bunch.
Sorry, I've only used RL7 with the 222 Rem. I'd think 4198 would be easy as well. Good luck though. That's a sweet heart of a little cartridge.
Maybe this will help?

Cartridge : .222 Rem.
Bullet : .224, 40, Nosler BalTip 39510
Useable Case Capaci: 24.266 grain H2O = 1.576 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.130 inch = 54.10 mm
Barrel Length : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder : IMR 4198

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 80 16.06 2764 678 23900 4276 85.9 1.198
-18.0 82 16.46 2825 709 25325 4413 87.2 1.172
-16.0 84 16.86 2886 740 26832 4547 88.4 1.146
-14.0 86 17.26 2948 772 28426 4677 89.6 1.121
-12.0 88 17.66 3009 804 30111 4804 90.8 1.097
-10.0 90 18.06 3070 837 31893 4926 91.8 1.074
-08.0 92 18.46 3131 871 33778 5043 92.9 1.051
-06.0 94 18.87 3192 905 35774 5156 93.8 1.028
-04.0 96 19.27 3253 940 37886 5263 94.7 1.005
-02.0 98 19.67 3313 975 40122 5364 95.6 0.980
+00.0 100 20.07 3373 1011 42491 5459 96.3 0.957
+02.0 102 20.47 3433 1047 45002 5547 97.0 0.934
+04.0 104 20.87 3493 1083 47664 5628 97.6 0.912 ! Near Maximum !
+06.0 106 21.27 3552 1120 50488 5702 98.2 0.890 ! Near Maximum !
+08.0 108 21.68 3610 1158 53488 5769 98.7 0.869 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 110 22.08 3669 1195 56672 5828 99.1 0.849 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Curious on how you ended up with a 20" 222 rem I would think 22"-24" would be classic barrel lengths. H322 is a classic 50gr bullet powder in the 222 so a 4198 powder should do real nice for the 40gr bullets. I use H4198 in my 221rem with 40-45gr bullets.
Yep, 20" barrel. I specifically chose this length as I wanted a compact rifle and thought this cartridge would suit it well.... And it did !
Velocity loss is marginal and accuracy seems to be very good.
Btw, it's not a target rig. It's a K95 Blaser break open rifle....[THUMBS UP SIGN]
I looked for about 2 years for a 222 rem. Settled for a 700SPS in 223REM thinking if it did not shoot tight enough for me I would rebarrel it. It really shoots tight with a B&C medalist stock. Then saw a used 221Rem for a good price and am just now after about 2 years rebarreling it in 221rem.
Here Guys, I'll show you my compact lighweight Triple Deuce package... (y)

Might not be what your looking for but I slightly prefer the 40 grain hornady v max in my .222.

21.5 reloader 7 neck sized ww case cci small rifle primer. .35 groups from a factory adl
20.6-21.5 imr 4198 40 grain v max shoots as well as the reloader 7 however I think that reloader 7 meters better if your looking for a way to make bullets more quickly.

both loads go 3400 to 3500 fps.
I have a Remington Model 600 in 222 Rem. It has a willowy 18.5" barrel that's been free-floated. I can hit over 3000 fps with 50gr bullets and a mid-load of H322. The thing can shoot but after 3 shots the barrel is too hot to touch. A nice coyote gun though but no marathon prairie dog shooter.
20.5-21g IMR4198 with a win case and cci primer was a 1/4 moa load. The 40g vmax actually shot a little better. Velocity was 3500fps from the 24" rem 700.
First of all, thanks for your appreciation and comments (y)

A little update from the "field", as I was able to do a bit of testing...

Started out with three "pilot" loads with IMR4198 (21 - 21,5 - 22 grs.).

Fired 3 shot group @ 100 meter. All of them produced acceptable group.

Repeated the test with the two "higher" loads (21,5 - 22).

21,5 grains @ 1030 m/sec. (3400 fps) did a tiny bit better (see target below - 100 meter) :


Nothing to be crazy about, but good enough for varmints.

Re-tested @ 170 meter (open range) with 5 shots (same load = 21,5 IMR4198) :


Better than @ 100.... :shock:

It was quite a quick process to find a decent (to me) load :grin:

Gonna try Norma 200 powder and see what happens.
In the meantime, I can't wait for some Fox shooting (y)
It does look as if your rifle and load are up to the task. Fine groups, to be sure.