223 AR-15 with IMR 8208 XBR


Dec 24, 2011
Here is what is being used.
Brass 223
Primers are #41 CCI
IMR XBR 8208
62gr FMJ BT
they are green tip bullets. (its really only green paint for those who never heard of the green tip) believe it is the second generation green tip because I think the first gen was 55 gr

I need a few suggestions as I'm gonna try out about 20 total rounds of multiple selections.

Something like 5 of each charge with 4 different charges..... if I get a decent load out of those then I am going to load up about 1,000
Can't help with the 223 load but I use 8208 in my 204 with 32gr BTs and Vmaxs(4050 fps). I get 1/2" groups and real low SDs. 8208 is supposed to be fast as well as tolerant to temps. I'll be trying it in my 223s when my new bolt gun gets here. You could try Hogdon's website for starters.
