25-06/115g NBT/Retumbo


Nov 17, 2005
Did a bit of shooting this morning with my 25-06. Wanted to try out some 115g NBT's as I needed to find a good deer load with this rifle. Shooting was done at 100 yards, 3 shot groups from 56, 56.5, 57, 57.5, and 58. The sweet spot was 56.5, 57,57.5, they each shot .5" between 3175fps and 3285fps. Am using Winchester brass, Win LR primer, OAL is 3.250"
I will load a few more up and confirm and shoot at 300 and 625 next time out, but I have a feeling there gonna be just fine!!

The rifle, Rem 700 w/24" LV Shilen, 6-18x Leupold w/target knobs.


The target showing 57 and 57.5g of Retumbo w/115g NBT. 56.5g actually shot a bit smaller then both of them, (looked a lot like the 57g load, 2 in 1 hole and the other out a smidge) but I will probly settle on 57 as its in the middle of the node and is still moving 3250fps.

Looks great man!

I worked with mine last month. Ruger #1 and 110 Accubonds



I re shot it last week for verification 3255 fps and .43"/100 yards.
Thanks POP, should do. Use to shoot them a lot a few years ago in 2 previous 25-06's and they never let me down on coyotes, deer, or blackies.

I think I'm gonna have to sell my 7 RM to help offset the cost of the 338 EDGE, if you really think about it, I wont ever shoot it anymore, so that only would leave me with the 338 EDGE and my 25-06. My 338 is going to be my primary deer, elk, bear rifle, and my 25-06 is my primary coyote rifle w/100g NBT's, but for the days I dont wanna pack the EDGE for deer or black bear, my 25-06 loaded with some 115's will do the trick. It is a great dual purpose rifle and I always need to have a good varmint and big game load worked up for it, just in case!!
Works for me! Plus you still got the 22-250 right?
Yep, still got the 22-250, but it might be up for sale soon as well...I still have my .222 rem which I dont think I'll ever part with, thats why I will get rid of the 22-250. The .222 works great out to 300 yards and if I need to shoot further then that, I"d rather have my 25-06.

I can get by with the 222 rem, 25-06, and 338 EDGE for all my hunting needs and not really overlap each other. Its just getting hard and expensive to shoot all these different rifles and the truth is you always have your favorites and the others just sit and collect dust anyway.
Man, that is a great load. Your shooting and loads with the 25-06 really make it look like a promising future rifle for my safe, after a bigger bore. Glad you have your loads worked out, you should have a great season with the Edge and the 25-06 in your battery. Scotty
Good vel & you still are under the Hodgdon max.
Rem, it appears that you have a fast 24" for sure. I will start loading the 2 26" 25-06's this week end with the AI a day or two later, weather permitting, it's been raining allmost every day.

My goal is 3,250+ with the 25-06's & 3,375+ with the AI for the WY hunt.
I am refering to the 115BT of couse, I still have a couple of boxes of 125 Wildcat, but I will keep them for another time.

I have Retumbo, RL25 & IMR7828, I believe I will start with Retumbo.
POP":24xn4kij said:
Looks great man!

I worked with mine last month. Ruger #1 and 110 Accubonds

I re shot it last week for verification 3255 fps and .43"/100 yards.


Whta kind of glass did you mont on that No.1?
Nice shooting indeed!

I'm planning on hitting the range pretty much every day next week, so hit me up and we'll shoot some gongs or somehting.
Fulldraw™":3hsri3wa said:
POP":3hsri3wa said:
Looks great man!

I worked with mine last month. Ruger #1 and 110 Accubonds

I re shot it last week for verification 3255 fps and .43"/100 yards.


What kind of glass did you mount on that No.1?

Leupold 4.5x14x40mm VX-III.