How much do you think it would cost to have my .257 weatherby reamed out to 7mm STW? Do any of you know any good gunsmiths close to Montana that would do this for a reasonable price?
You'd probably be better off having it rebarreled. Is the 257 barrel shot out? Or do you just want to change to the 7STW? There are numerous good shops that will rebarrel your gun to whatever belted mag you like, and (depending on what quality of barrel you get) it should cost between $400-600 for a good barrel that will shoot better than most shooters can.
It is going to take more than just ream it out. .257 WBY is .257 diameter the 7 STW is .284 in diameter - you would need new chamber and barrel.
The other minor problem is the length of action. Check your over all cartridge length some magnum actions are not as long as others. It is easy to chamber into winchester mag - shorter case. The Weatherby vanguard action is shorter than the Weatherby Mark V action. You have to seat the bullets deeper in order to get the bullets to seat in the magazine.
Just my two cents from past experience.
Steve D. the HP
You need to have it rebarreled OR rebored provided the action can indeed handle the 375 H&H length 7mm STW.
For reboring I can recommend Cliff LaBounty in Washington state.