My 26 Nosler brass came the other day so I mocked up a couple of rounds. Loaded the 129LRAB to OAL of 3.47", that puts the top of the boat tail at the bottom of the neck. The second round is a 28 Nosler mock up. I expanded the neck with a 7mm button then seated with the 26 Nosler die. I used a 175gr LRAB and seated it to the same parameters as the 26/129grLRAB. OAL ended up at 3.60". This 28 Nosler is got a lot going for it. I think it would have speeds somewhere between a 7STW and the 7RUM. When loaded out to 3.6" there is very little case impingement by the bullet allowing the powder charge to be maximized. Like a bigger 7LRM. I'm really leaning toward the 28 Nosler vs. the 26 Nosler unless Nosler comes out with 140gr+ LRAB(HINT!)