270 Win 130 Grain Ballistic Tip QL?


Jan 20, 2012
Thanks in advance!

3.36 COAL
130 Grain Nosler Ballistic Tips
24" Barrel
Nosler Brass
WLR Primer
Cartridge : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet : .277, 130, Nosler BalTip 27130
Useable Case Capaci: 60.832 grain H2O = 3.950 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder : Hodgdon H4831

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 89 48.32 2472 1764 31540 8955 84.1 1.465
-18.0 91 49.53 2538 1859 33789 9279 85.6 1.426
-16.0 93 50.74 2604 1957 36207 9598 87.1 1.387
-14.0 95 51.94 2671 2059 38810 9909 88.5 1.343
-12.0 98 53.15 2738 2164 41616 10211 89.8 1.299
-10.0 100 54.36 2806 2272 44632 10503 91.1 1.257
-08.0 102 55.57 2874 2384 47912 10784 92.3 1.216
-06.0 104 56.78 2942 2499 51448 11051 93.5 1.177
-04.0 106 57.98 3011 2617 55278 11304 94.5 1.139 ! Near Maximum !
-02.0 109 59.19 3080 2739 59432 11541 95.5 1.102 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 111 60.40 3150 2864 63946 11760 96.4 1.067 ! Near Maximum !
+02.0 113 61.61 3220 2992 68861 11960 97.2 1.032 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0 115 62.82 3290 3124 74222 12140 97.9 0.999 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0 117 64.02 3360 3259 80088 12297 98.5 0.967 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0 120 65.23 3430 3397 86502 12430 99.0 0.935 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 122 66.44 3501 3538 93518 12538 99.4 0.905 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba 111 60.40 3311 3165 76866 11763 99.7 0.988 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba 111 60.40 2941 2497 52183 11175 89.1 1.168
Thanks so much! I appreciate it. I loaded 61 grains which is right at max/dangerous do not load but there are no excessive pressure signs. Should I back it off?
I get my best accuracy with 60 grains. I have kicked it up to 61 numerous times. All I get is flatter primers and deteriating accuracy. In your other post I was gonna suggest you drop back .5 to one grain. I would try that before I messed with seating depth if it were me. This past summer I went on a rampage with H-4831sc and 130 BT,s. PT.s and sierra pro hunters. 60 gr. was consistently the best charge in my rifle. One thing I noticed is I get almost no gain in velocity from 60.5 to 61. 60.5 is pretty much max for my rifle. 130 BT,s are scary accurate with H-4831 and IMR-4350. I,m sure you will be happy them.
Another vote for 60 grs H4831 with the 130s. This load has shot lights out in about every rifle I have tried it in over the past 25 or so years. It will run between 3000 and 3200 fps depending on barrel and length and it is a tack driver. Also works great with Sierras.
Hubcap and 1Shot, I started at 60 and the accuracy was about an inch and a half, this was the second load. I will try 60.5 and will also try seating them in .005 at a time. Thanks for the advice!

JD338, they are not flattened and the bolt was not sticky in the least, although the firing pin hole looks a little cratered vs. the 60 grain load I shot at first.

All rifles are different as you know. My 270 Win with 24 inch barrel needs 62g of that powder to get to 3100fps. My regular load is 61g for 3060fps and very solid accuracy.

I can't get enough H4831SC in a case with 130g bullets to show any pressure signs.

Your rifle may well be a good bit different.

- Bob
I think your probably fine. Till you measure your case capacity, it is really hard to determine where your at speed wise, but I would bet, your hammering them down range real quick like!

That Model 70 is kicking butt!
H4831 is the power for the 130 gr bullet, IMHO. I've tried IMR 4350 but it doesn't give the groups H4831 does. Jack O'Connor was onto something. Of the four 270's I've had it did superb with 58.5-60.0 gr in all of them. Here's a recent group using 58.5 gr and the 130 gr Ballistic Tip at 100 yards with my old 1952 Model 70 and a Lyman All American Perma Center 4X scope. I like the combination.

I was most pleased. Just to be sure it wasn't a fluke and that my wobbles compensated for the right flinches, I did it again just last week, same charge/bullet/distance. Yep, it's a keeper. Who said old guys and old guns can't shoot? :grin:

There always seems to be one that will throw off an otherwise good group-either by operator error or that first fouler. Case in point, my Sako .222...

I have some 140 gr AB's I want to try yet. They probably have the longest bearing surface of any bullet I have yet used. I ran across an unused box of 1970's 130 gr Partition bullets I forgot I had and compared it(right) to new ones...quite a difference.


Welcome aboard. We're always pleased to welcome fellow shooters/hunters. You have some fine groups showing. Looks as if you have a fine load and know how to use it.
Thank you, sir. Well, I've been shooting since Uncle Sam put an M14 in my hands January of 1966 so, had a bit of practice.
ColColt":50t6uc4z said:
Thank you, sir. Well, I've been shooting since Uncle Sam put an M14 in my hands January of 1966 so, had a bit of practice.

Hmmm. That was a year after I picked up an M14. However, I'd been shooting some before that, plinking squirrels and rabbits. If I might be so bold as to request, may I invite you to go over to http://noslerreloading.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22761&start=125 and give us an introduction. I know many of the regulars would enjoy getting to know you, as would I.