
Oct 23, 2006
I am looking to purchase a new rifle in 270 Win, and looking for opinions. I am thinking of either the S2 or a A-bolt. Comments?
You're living in the best of times. Any of the major rifle manufacturers, and many of the lesser known rifle manufacturers, can produce some excellent equipment. Therefore, your selection, especially since you are settled on the cartridge you want, becomes a matter of personal taste. I'd handle some of the rifles you are considering to see which satisfies the itch.
Exactly Mike!

The .270 is a great cartridge, as are about a dozen others that will do the same thing in the field.

Pick the rifle that puts a grin on your face when you handle it, shoot it, carry it or just see it.

I've got this "thing" for Remington 700's, for about the last 40 years or so. Others like the Win Model 70, particularly the Featherweight... That one is Really Nice...

Pick the rifle that puts a big ol' grin on your face. That's the right one.

The .270 is a very popular caliber in my area, mid-America. Two weeks ago there was a local gun-show advertised as the ".270 Show". And that it was! I didn't keep count, but there had to be a couple 100 .270s, all styles, all makes, new and used. It was great! :grin:

And there was all the other stuff and calibers you always see at "shows".

Pick up and handle all the different styles and makes you can find and there will be one that says "take me home". You can't go wrong, after all ... it is a .270 !!!!!!!!!
My stainless Vanguard 270 did a great job on a large doe yestarday. The Vanguards are very nice rifles.
You'll probably get the S2 cheaper, and get full ballistic potential from the 24 inch barrel.

The ABolt has some nifty features that I like. Might be a bit lighter than the S2.

Both good choices in a great cartridge.
I haven't hunted much with the .270 but it seems to me that it's one of the easiest cartridges to find an accurate load for. I have four rifles in .270 and three are sub-MOA when I do my part and the fourth, a Ruger #1A runs between 1.1" and 1.25" depending on what I'm running through it. Every animal shot with them just laid down and died. Been thinking about using them more next year depending on what tags I can draw.
Paul B.
Both are solid choices. The Weatherby's are danged good now, as are the Brownings. What is pushing you to those two? Just wondering..
I bought the series 2 backcountry and am really happy with it. Ive got sub moa groups from 150 gr. BT and PT so far. I agree with the others. Go pick up a few and handle them. Buy the one that feels right.
It is the .270 win. A perfect backpacking rifle for mule deer and the occassional elk. I went 150 gr. for the higher sect. density and hopefully performance. It shoots half inch groups with cheap factory 130's. So far I am impressed.
Heck yeah. You'll never hear me bash a 270. 150 PTs or ABLRs are fearsome Muley medicine. Plus it doesn't hurt to have a nice carrying rifle too.
Yeah I figure I carry a rifle a lot more than I shoot on hunts, might as well have a beauty lightweight to carry that shoots like a laser.
My opinion?????????????

Best choice--------- Sako---- If $$$$ allows.
Tikka T3 lite
WBY Vanguard S2
Savage 111f accustock accutrigger.

and other than the sako not necessarily in that order.
Just about any maker's .270 will work.
With that said I'm in agreement with the others, pick the one that calls to you and have at it. Me, I prefer the Winchester Model 70 and think their recent stuff is the best they've ever made.
Silentstalker":8bwjjlt5 said:
I bought the series 2 backcountry and am really happy with it. Ive got sub moa groups from 150 gr. BT and PT so far. I agree with the others. Go pick up a few and handle them. Buy the one that feels right.

Very nice! I have been eyeing one of the Backcountry's for a bit now.

My brother is receiving a 270 Remington 700 as a surprise Christmas present. Got it for a steal and I am sure he is going to be awestruck when he sees what my father and I got him.
I think that (just like the 30-06) whatever kind of .270 you get will perform the best with a 24" barrel.

And as a side note...my vote is for the Win 70. :)
Hard to argue with the Vanguard; great value. My first .270 was actually a Sporter Vanguard with a beautiful stock on it. I have since sold it to a friend and somewhat inadvertently replaced it with an M70 Featherweight. A very boring cartridge that is effective, easy to load and easy to shoot.

Good luck on your choice!

And AJ, a GREAT present for your brother. Good job.
One of the most accurate rifles I own is an A-Bolt chambered in .270 WIN. Shoots 130 gr BT's extremely well.