30 calibre 180 Ballistic Tip

It's a very robust bullet. Several years ago, Nosler thickened up the jacket of the BT starting with the 308 180 gr and up. The only exception is the 308 220 BT which was designed for the 300 Blackout.
My wife shoots the 180 BT at 3100 fps from her 30 Nosler with great success.

Shot a few nice bucks with them out of 300 RUM at almost point blank range running under deer my tree stand. They all exited and dropped in the spot. My buddy shot a treed black bear around 00’ with the sane set up. Dropped that bear out of the tree. Hit the ground and needless to say it didn’t go anywhere. I’ve never seen more blood come out of a bear like a horror show…it was projectile shooting out of its neck. The bullet exited once again he decided to shoot it one more time since it was trying to get up. I’m sure with a well placed heart and lung shot. It would’ve hit the ground and never moved. I’ve shot a few deer with the 180’s loaded in my 30-06. They hit the ground like a freight train smacked them. The solid copper base imo has enough weight to push them through the other side. The only weight ballistic tip that I caught a separated jacket on was using my 300 RUM and a 125 grain ballistic tip at 4,000 fps. It was on a pronghorn 200 yards away. Blew a hole through it the size of a coffee can. Shot one later in the day with the same set up that was almost 1000 yards and it just pulled a bullet size hole in and out. Broadside right behind the front shoulders. Hit the heart along the area and it ran 40 yards in a circle and tipped over dead. I’ve learned that as long as you use heavy for caliber ballistic tips on Whitetail it seems to hold up really good no matter how fast you push them.