.300 Win Mag Load Testing


May 26, 2012
I went out today and tested various powder charges of Reloader 22 and the Hornady 180 Grain SST.
I have one load that is sub MOA, 0.781". I'm going to load up a box of ammo more of this same load and see if it's consistent. Then I'll start working up the 200 Grain Nosler Accubonds with Retumbo.

What was the charge weight, 75.0 grs? ;)


FWIW, 75.0 RL 22 has shot well under MOA for me in 3 different rifles. There are also others here on the forum that have had similar results. MV will be 3000 fps.

Also do not discount H1000. Was developed for the 300 Win mag and 1000 yard shooting. Hence the name.
My load for my 300WM is 74.0gr of RL22 with 180gr Accubonds. Shoots under 0.5" - 4shot groups at 100m.

WS 780 powder may be another to try for your 300. I LOVE Retumbo in my 270WSM.
RL22 and 180's is pretty awesome stuff. I know Bill does really well with H4350 and 180 PT's..
RL22 was always good for me until my recent rifle which prefers H4350/IMR4350 with 180's. I am trying some 165's RL22-4350's and 200 grainers now with H4831sc. Good luck!

Keep me posted on how the 200's and Retumbo work out for you, sounds like an excellent combo to me. I'm excited to hear how it shoots.
Here is a string of shots with my 300 Win Mag. Its a post 64 push feed Model 70, Chet Brown Stock, recoil lug is bedded, 3.5X10X40 Leupold with the BDC reticle. I was shooting prone off of my Harris Bipod. I have shot this same load since 1970.
View attachment 013.JPG
Is the 5 o'clock shot the third shot?
I have no idea, I do not have enough glass to see bullet holes in the black at 320. So I run out there with my 4 wheeler after every string of three. 320 yards is handy, but any farther and I have to zigzag into a draw and back out again. H-4350 has worked really well for me. I have numerous 100 yard groups stacked on top of each other.

Do you see a pattern?
I'm going to test the RL 22 combo again today.

73.5, 74.5, and 75.0 grains. I'm thtinking the 73.5 grain load will give me MOA, or just under, on a consistant basis but if the 75.0 grain load works well I'll be tickled.

MOA is good!!! Not many animals will walk away with that level of accuracy.Thats my goal for each of my rifles, consistincy 300 yards.
Well, I tried the 75.0 grain load in what passes for winter here, 63 degrees or so, and saw some pressure signs that will prohibit my using that load in the summer.

I'm going back to the 73.5 grain load and try working down to see if I can get a 1/2 MOA load with this bullet. I should be getting about 2900 fps with this load. I'll see if pushing the bullet at 2700 fps to 2800 fps improves accuracy. Once I settle on a load for this bullet I'll work up the 200 grain AccuBond with Retumbo. I really prefer a consistant 1/2 MOA load if I can get it.

I don't want anything to be just MOA but that's just me.

Sounds like your 73.5 gr load is a winner. A 180 gr at 2900 fps is some serious medicine.
